Friday, August 18, 2006

We have lost our way

The web site, AM New York has put together a Flash interactive photo, an audio montage and a photo show of the of the recently released new WTC 911 tapes. I must confess to everyone that going through them is a very emotional experience, not simply from the casualties trapped in the burning and smoking building that was about to fall into itself killing everyone involved, but listening to the audio of the emergency operations personnel.

The 911 emergency personnel manning the telephones that day were clearly out of their normal environment and training during an incident that changed the face of New York and ruined families for a generation to come. Their emotional level can be heard rising with each telephone call and the lack of understand and knowledge that these people were doomed begins to take form early on during the tapes.

The conversation level of the emergency operators is one of confusion, anger, questioning, wondering, unknown, they are clearly helpless to do anything and they already know these people will perish; there is no other alternative, no other end game but death.

Here are the links available from AM New York and the Associated Press,

Audio: 911 calls on Sept. 11

Flash: 911 tapes released
(Newsday / Siemond Chan) (Flash)

What struck me while going through these recordings and photo montage was the basic fact that this one event not only changed the lives of so many people, but ushered in a new age, the war we are presently engaged in to fight and overcome terrorism. This further reminded me that America has a history of forgetfulness when it comes to events such as this. No, I am not saying that one person in our country has forgotten these incidents; on the contrary, I am saying that we forget the total emotional upheaval that we all collectively experienced that day. How we, one nation all stood as one screaming for revenge, shouting it from every rooftop, home, we wanted blood, we wanted someone to pay for what happened to our country and the people trapped within that building.

I am saying the emotional experience we all felt when President Bush stood at ground zero, his arm around a fireman telling the crowd, “I hear you, they hear you, and soon the people that did this will hear you!” Every person hearing those worlds felt better, we knew someone would pay

It did not matter if you were left, rights, nothing mattered, we wanted blood, pure and simple and we all felt a little better at that moment.

Now we are faced with growing and escalating civil unrest in Iraq and a lot of American’s are screaming for the war to end, protesting, marching, and writing letters, camping on public grounds. Where is the scream for revenge now? Where is that emotional black hole that we all felt that day? Where is that cry, that one united scream to revenge the deaths of those trapped individuals still mourned by their families?

We are engaged in a war that will not be won by taking control of cities or countries, but by winning the mind of the people. These people have no concept of democracy, freedom, fairness or liberty. They were brought up spoon feed on hatred of the very people now attempting to change them. They hate our way of life or way of faith, our very existence and now we are standing in their streets telling them they no longer need to go quietly into the night in fear of their lives.

This will not change over night, in a week, in a year, we are trying to change something that has been in existence since the dawn of religion and it is not going to be easy.

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The Ranter's News that counts.

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