Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Issue is Why?

I do not believe I have ever witnessed a worse example of dereliction to the safety and well being of human beings than in the tragedy at Virginia Tech.

Reuters has a piece this morning titled, Questions Remain after Worse U.S. Shooting Rampage, questioning how a gunman evaded detection between killing two people and going on to kill 30 others two hours later.

News reports last night showed that the students were not warned of any danger until more than two hours after the first attack at a dormitory- and then only in an e-mail from the university.

This entire tragedy could have been confined to the initial shooting in the dormitory had adequate precautions taken place, the student population warned and evacuated.

However, this is the time of the year for the election circus, all of the candidate searching aimlessly for a cause to garner votes, they do not see dereliction of duty, they do not see how it could have been avoided, they see magical votes dancing in front of their eyes, sent like manna from the Gods in the form of gun control.

Friends, this is not the issue, the true culpability lies directly in the Dean of Virginia Tech, the campus police and any other law enforcement that may have been involved. Their complete and total lack of notification and evacuation is one of the major issues in this tragedy. Had the proper precautions and student evacuation taken place, perhaps many more students would be safe and sound today.

I cannot comprehend the thought process that took place in the decision not to notify and evacuate the student and faculty population of the campus. How in the name of anything that is sacred can these individuals awaken this morning to the dawn of a new day with the knowledge that their lack of action was a factor in so many deaths?

Yes, I am totally enraged that 32 students were murdered and many wounded when many could have been avoided. This is not the time for debating gun control; this is the time for bringing the responsible parties to justice to face the wrath of the families who lost loved ones.

These Mothers and Fathers, Wives and Husbands had their lives destroyed yesterday, they had their futures cut down in the blink of an eye and politicians see their votes, not their sorrow, their tears. This is disgusting; this is in itself a tragedy.

The individuals who made the decision not to notify the students, not to evacuate the student population, not to protect the safety and well being of individuals in their campus, these are the culprits who should be facing accusation this morning. They should have answering the families who lost loved ones; they should be brought to justice.


Anonymous said...


You spoke a couple of entries back about the "horsemen of the apocalypse"

Came across a great article written by Rocco DiPippo. It is titled "hypocrisy has a human price on the streets of Baghdad"

The blog is "americanthinker.com"

Thought you would enjoy as you are a great American thinker in yer own right!

As you have most likely heard E will now go to Baghdad for 15 months instead of 12....so the article had personal meaning for me.

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