Friday, September 22, 2006

What is going on and how do we fix it?

The Ranter
The Views of The Ranter

I have to share with you that I live in the sunny old west, love it, love the sunsets and the beautiful winters. Love looking out my window at the mountains, especially when they are snow capped, which has not been all that often these past years and they say there is no global warming.

I love the rain, when it comes that is, but when it does it comes in with a vengeance. Living is a bit slower then back east, not as slow as in the south, but still we have a different lifestyle. Many of the individuals who hang out here are in the west too. Wild Bill, good old Texas boy, proud to know him, wish I could drive again so I could say hi in person, pop a top on a cold one and shoot the bull, I value his input here. If you cannot get enough of his insightful comments, you can find more at his blog, Redneck Central . If you are looking for more comments that are at my own heart then look no further then Redneck’s Revenge, more people I value.

All of the people I just linked too have the same values, insight and even down-home problems as we do in my part of the wild, illegal aliens and we really are in a quandary as what to do about it. Now, let me get this part out, I am a red-blooded, flag waving American and a veteran and yes, I am darn proud of all of that. I will get into an argument or in the past even a fight to protect someone’s rights. I write about it often and even link to our Congressional representatives so people can send their comments.

The problem I have is we are being inundated with citizens of Mexico and as American’s we are not supposed to be upset, we are expected to welcome them into our flocks and food and shelter with no questions asked. Well, that sort of went out the window when the taxes became too high, the cost of state health care out the window and thousands of new people entering our country weekly with not stop in sight.

It is well known that Spanish is now considered the second language in America and to be honest, I have a problem with that one. We are American’s and we speak good old American English, not the Queen’s English, but American. Why do I need to know a second language to be able to converse? Let alone press one for English when I am calling one of the utility companies.

The cost of health care is sky rocketing, we are adding additional Police Officers at an alarming rate and that cost money, the cost of everything is getting out of control and where is the answer? There is none. Why you may ask? Well, we are American’s and we even have a statue welcoming new people to our shores, so we are expected to bear the cost and be quite about it.

There must be some form of control over this growing problem, but we have yet to find it and probably will never find one. Therefore, we will continue to pay more taxes and as American’s we are expected to be quite about it. I am sure the day is coming when that will stop too, but I will never live to see it. We can only hope.


Anonymous said...

Ranter, go over to Nurse William's blog and listen to him rant about the borders and how they are affecting the ER's in the southwestern states. It is bankrupting some hospitals.

If everyone hates us--it is all ya read in the news of late--then why the race to our teeming shores?

Anonymous said...

There actually is a solution to this problem, but you, me and a whole lot of other folks aint gonna like it !!
This is gonna borderline Racist comment, so if its too spicy for here, just delete it..
So, here we go.. When the Blacks finally realize that the Browns are takin an ever-increasin piece of the pie, and that they are now left with a dwindlin plate of crumbs, and the Browns are takin the "net" and sometimes even the "gross" and sendin it south of the border to finance bringin in more of their "family", then its gonna get kinda dicey around the Southern States, to say the least !!

Some prisons in Cali. have already been segregated due to encroachment, and turf battles are bein reported regularly in many larger cities across the U.S. ..

If it was as simple as lettin the two major crime elements of our society have at each others throats, then it wouldnt be so bad.. But, IMO, the first thang they will agree on is KILL WHITEY !! Then they will do what comes next between themselves..

But, someday, these FUTURE DEMOCRAT VOTERS are gonna get out prison and be among the masses of regular folks tryin to go to/from work and raise kids like the ones in the WTC on 9-11 !!

Wild Bill

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