They will never learn
When Iran first began the nuclear overtones, their President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad became an east target of humor for me at the time.
I never really felt that a military or even a nuclear confrontation would transpire between Iran and America. After all, this is the 21st centaury; the cold war began to fade into history when the Berlin wall came tumbling down, ushering in an entire new era of freedom for a newly united Berlin.
At that point in time, the concept of a nuclear Iran seemed laughable and deep within me I knew that President Bush would never entertain a preemptive strike while the military was stretched to its limits. However, I do recall writing that President Bush missed a great opportunity to end the violence within the volatile Middle East at the time.
Many of the military experts had hypothesized the war in Iraq in Afghanistan should have been initiated in a completely different manner. That military strikes should have taken place in Iran and Syria, destroying their military machine, then a complete end-run attack, in conjunction with Israeli forces should have been implemented moving through each country and into Iraq and Afghanistan. They theorized this would have completely stabilized the Middle East for the balance of history.
That was then; this is now, the so-called experts I the Middle East are warning a preemptive attack on Iran could bring about a nuclear war encompassing, Russia, Iran, North Korea, England, Israel, ad nauseam. In other words, in the immortal words of Loony Tunes, “That’s all folks!”
My feelings on this are strong. First and foremost, I feel we need to put an end to the Taliban and their supporting jihad fighters in Afghanistan. We need to augment our Special Forces and Seal teams presently operating there with the proper military personnel and equipment to end this once and for all. It is requires low-yield nuclear weapons, then that is what is used to end this protracted war.
I believe we need preemptive strikes against any person, group or nation of terrorists who are planning terrorists’ attacks upon our country. At the same time, we need to punish through military strikes any nation harboring these same people or groups. Our Special Operations teams need to operate in tandem with England’s to destroy terrorist infrastructure anywhere in the world that it is found to be operating.
We need to totally rethink and redefine the present military strategies and policies in Iraq. I personally feel we made a huge mistake entering Iraq with the plan of being an army of liberators instead of a conquering military. We should have assumed complete control of the country and slowly implemented plans for their rebuilding and growth. Had they been a conquered nation the job would have been easier.
Unfortunately, none of this will occur, the present administration will leave after the next election, a bleeding heart, save the world liberal will assume control of the Presidency. All military will be pulled out of Iraq, leaving them to fend for themselves. Iran and Syria will immediately move in to assume control and from that point on, all hell will break lose in the world.
Perhaps, after so much will be lost, the media and the bleeding heart politicians will realize they were wrong. Then again, they may never learn.