Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Ft. Dix thoughts

Fort Dix Plot Called "New" Form Of Terror.

CBS/AP: One drove a cab, three were roofers. Another worked at a 7-Eleven and a sixth at a supermarket. Their alleged plot to attack Fort Dix was foiled by another blue-collar worker: a video store clerk.

Six foreign-born Muslims were accused Tuesday of planning to assault the Army base and slaughter scores of U.S. soldiers with automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades.

The news of a possible attack upon a military base thwarted by law enforcement did not come as too much of a surprise to me. What did bother me greatly was thinking that if not for the sharp eyes and willingness to help of an unidentified clerk, we would have been reading a totally different outcome. This individual should be commended, they are an inspiration.

Throughout the course of history, nations have went to war over a plethora of reasons, land, food, riches, women, freedom from oppression, to cast out an invading army, the reasons were many, the rational not always correct, but swords were drawn and the battle joined until one was the clear victor.

These are violent times we are living within and contrary to what Congress would have us believe, we are presently and actively engaged in an undeclared state of war. This war is not against a standing army, but individuals with little regard for human life whose sole purpose is the destruction of the very fiber of our nation, what we stand for and our way of life.

Their reasoning and rational for warfare against the United States is simple, they do not like what we stand for, how we live our lives, how we work to succeed, everything which comprises an American, to put it in simple terms, they are attacking us because they hate us.

We have freedom of religion, the freedom to worship as we choose, when we choose, because of this we are infidels. They wish to kill us because of our religious freedom and not embracing their views. Yet, as Americans we place our lives in harms way to insure they have that very right in which to believe.

As Americans we came to grips with the American dream long ago. We know for a fact that it is not a dream, but a reality, achieved through hard work and dedication.

In the enemy's eyes, we are Don Quixote de la Mancha, atop our decrepit farm horse, Rocinante, charging into battle against our windmill and defending the virtues of our lady, Dulcinea and we are decadent, just ask them .

As I mentioned, amazing times we are living in. It was not that long ago that the very thought of attacking a military base would be enough to stop someone. Today, terrorists are convulsing with joy with the very thought of attacking and killing our troops.


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