Sunday, May 20, 2007

What a mess

I confess to taking the wrong stance lately in Iraq and beyond. As my good friend and blog buddy Wild Bill pointed out, we are there for all the marbles, the whole enchilada. We are the caretaker to the flame of brightness burning in the world and if we do not take a stand and fight, then there will be nothing left to fight for.

This just about sums it all up in a few words and the sad part to this ever changing equation; we are the lone voice in the wind. Not only that, but we are in this fight without the support of a Congress, who is more concerned with making the President say "Uncle" then insuring the flame of freedom stays lit through these stormy nights.

In response to my post yesterday, Wild Bill said, "But if we don't have Troops in Iraq and The Stan, then where are we gonna be when Iran gets their nukes loaded onto missiles, or Musharraf gets his head cut off and Al Q takes control of those missiles there already loaded and fueled, or Assad decides to kick off a little genocide experiment with Hezbollah and starts over-runnin the Israeli borders ??"

This is about as to the point as it can get and my brothers and sisters, it is right on the money. We are in this for a lot of reasons and it is time politicians in this country took their heads out of their collective behinds and took stock of the situation, before it is far too late to do so.

We have politicians and bleeding hearts screaming for the war to end, little do they realize the end game that is on the horizon, waiting. There are individuals plotting our demise even as we speak, they wish nothing more than the total destruction of all that we hold dear and they have the capabilities to insure this takes place.

Does anyone really think that Iran is building these weapons of mass destruction for their own self protection? They are simply puppets in a war being orchestrated by other people, nothing more.

Yes, we are the keeper of the world's soul, not just our soul of democracy and if we loosen our hold even the slightest amount then it could very well slip out of our hands and float endlessly in the winds of change..


Anonymous said...

And that my friends is why we have blogs---tht we can interact with dialogue to find our individual truth.
Ain't it great tht we have the freedom to do tht! Quite the exercise eh?

Wild Bill said...

Truth and honesty is the liberals enemie !! With so much truth and honesty on the blogs, how long will it be before they come under attack again ??

Talk Radio is the apparent taget of-the-moment, but when will the left tire of them and concentrate on the blogs like they did a few years ago ??

McCain-Feingold tried to do a hit on us and we were only saved by a few rulins from Judges that saw it for what it was, restrictions on the First Amendment..

We've seen military bloggers come under attack lately and they have even had their online viewing curtailed.. So, that bit of truth has been taken away from us..

I know that a lot of theatrics comes from Talk Radio, but a lot of truth escapes there too..

Rush has some good people on his staff that thank "out of the box" and he puts some good "food for thought" out there for people to make their own decisions on..

Glen Beck is another.. His transformation from self professed "Rodeo Clown" into the "Thinker" that he has become lately can only be desribed as bein shaken to his core by the threats we face now and the lack of action to do anythang about em.. He has some extremely proficient researchers on his staff that delve into all kinds of nooks and crannies and comes up with great content.. I'm also sure that he has some informants that send him to subjects that pass over a lot of the others heads..

But any of us that dont stick to the (D)s Talkin Points and Bulletins are gonna see much grief come our way and pressure to not persist in our show of animosity toward their Anti-Americanism and Anti-Patriotism and their lack of interest for the good of the Country,well, we will be dealt with one way or another !! Now that Queen Pelosi and her Serfs have power, SHE WILL NOT BE DENIED !!

As the election gets closer you can count on the pressure to be cranked up even more..

Europe is already havin bloggers to come to Police Headquarters and explain their blogs contents, and you know that the (D)s wont stand to have the Euro's out-do them in anythang..

New Hate Speech and Hate Crime Legislation is bein thrown around regularly by the (D)s already, so I dont figger that it will be long till some of it sticks and you never know what they might include as either Hate Speech or a Hate Crime..

MY silence wont come easily tho !!

The Old Ranter said...

There has been many discussions about granting bloggers the same rights as reporters. I for one would welcome that.

When all is said and done, bloggers are the only ones speaking the truth,

Time will tell

Wild Bill said...

But if they grant bloggers the same credo as the reporters, will they not then demand that the Fairness Doctrine also applies to us, and that we have to abide by the same rules ??

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