Saturday, May 19, 2007

Stupid is as stupid does

If for some reason we Americans wanted to send word to our enemy that we were fed up fighting, playing politics, and we were just plain tired of playing the game, how would we do that?

I actually thought about this and the answers that I came up with were not too surprising.

The easiest way for us to send a message to the enemy would be to just do exactly what we are presently doing, stopping the funding. If we did not want it to appear that blatantly obvious that we were throwing in the towel, we could create a series of teases, little messages and then hold back the funds in some big move to make headlines. All in all, it means the same, we quit, tired of playing, we want to go home.

I know, this is un-American, in fact it would be considered to be a traitorous thing to do, but they are doing it. The sad statement is they are doing it after many of our brave sons and daughters gave their all in the fight for Iraq. One would have thought it wiser to just not bother in the first place.

It is totally amazing me how this travesty is taking place before the eyes of the public and no one, not one single person is raising their voice to question this.

The people presently in power are trying to make the President tow the line, say Uncle, nothing more, they are playing with the lives of America's son's and daughter's and no one is speaking up to question this?

The repercussions from this nonsense are only just beginning, the enemies is taking a wait and see approach, they really do not believe we can be that stupid either, but guess what, they are right, we really can.

Those playing this game of Russian roulette think they are in some way making an antiwar statement, when that is not even the case; it is just plain stupidity, nothing more. They are simply making it easy for al=Qaeda to plan their attacks upon our great nation, now and into the future.

While all of this political bovine excrement is taking place we have our son's and daughter's being killed from the lack of armor, better equipment, better technology and they only thing we see is more of the same political crap, nothing more.

The movie Forest Gump had a saying, "Stupid is as stupid does", we can only hope the dum-dums involved in this fiasco are planning their shrimp business, that may be all that is left in a few years.


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