Sunday, May 06, 2007

We make them laugh?

Al-Qaida No. 2 mocks Bush, Iraq pullout bill

On tape, Al-Zawahri says troop withdrawal would 'deprive' group of targets

Let's be honest here folks, we all knew that sooner or later, al-Qaeda was going to toss their two cents into the media circus surrounding the timetable Congress is trying to shove down the White House's throat in their little game of, "I'm the boss?"NO, I am the boss!" - ad nauseam!

Personally, I don't like reading the morning news and discovering that America is giving so much needed comic relief to the guys hiding out in the caves while their minions are hiding behind second story curtains zeroing in their Iranian supplied sniper rifles on our military.

We can only hope that we are not making them laugh so hard that one of them spilled a glass of juice all over those nice little maps they have been collecting of our country. After all, they worked so hard marking off the spots they want to visit someday, the Federal and State landmarks, Federal Dams, bridges, the nation's power grid, military posts and training sites, the dense population areas, mass transportation - airports, railroad and all of our nation's highway system.

The truly sickening comment to their happiness is Congress and the White House are far from over and if any of the elected officials who voted for the Iraqi timetable bill will stop for a moment and think back to the ones who did not vote for it and some of the comments they made as their reasons. This exact scenario, as well as many similar were brought up as not only a possibility of happening, but will happen. Your political maneuvering, "one-up-man-ship" and "whose the boss" games only provide the enemy with comic relief while they plan further actions against our nation.

Al-Zawahri's comments deserve an answer from us, after all, we provided him with comic relief and he did tell us how much he enjoyed the moments. The problem is I don't quite know how to say it in his language and I would not like to get it wrong. So, I will make up a scenario which the translators will not experience any problems with and I will preface them with either "scenario" or "what I really wanted to say".

Scenario: One of the guys from the cave used his satellite cell phone to log his laptop into terrorist net and is reading through the latest Chuck Norris jokes and begins to laugh so hard that juice begins to run out of his nose.

What I really wanted to say: as long as we are entertaining you with so much laughter, return the favor, give us a bit of humor, please use your satellite cell phone to log your laptop into the net, we love watching the CIA home a Predator onto the satellite cell phone signal and send a smart bomb down the signal into that tidy little cave, really makes us laugh and juice to run out of our nose

Scenario: It's one of those typical days in the cave, the temperature outside in the sun is running about 135 Fahrenheit, the cave is really sticky and Osama's been sweating like a pig and really thirsty. So, he reaches into the rock freezer, grabs 64 ounces of juice and slams it down.

The immediate change in old Osama inspires awe in all of you. The juice and the heat of his stomach immediately turn to gas, swelling his stomach out to about two or three times its size. You stand there in amazement waiting for it to explode, but he steps into an out of the way spot in the cave and fills the entire cave with belly gas.

What I really wanted to say: Everything that comes out of your mouth smells like the bovine excrement that it is and each and everyone of you are full of hot air.


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