Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Iraq needs new leadershjp

Information is coming in through various news services saying that as Iraq's government compiles a record of failure, the Bush administration is under growing pressure to install a new leadership.

An LA Times, Washington Post article published in The Indian EXPRESS recently stated, "Publicly, administration officials say they remain committed to Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, even though after a year in office, his elected government has failed to complete any important steps toward political reconciliation—the legislative "benchmarks" sought by US officials.

But privately, some US officials acknowledge that the congressional clamour to find another approach will increase sharply as the months pass and no progress is made toward tamping down sectarian violence, bringing more minority Sunnis into the government and dividing the nation's oil resources fairly."

Supposedly we are not to interfere within the Iraqi government that we helped to create but the ever increasing problems in Iraq and al-Maliki's
failed record in peace keeping and within the political scene makes it even more important we step in and do something, before it is too late.

The article also states, "A parade of US officials, including Vice-President Cheney, visited al-Maliki recently. Cheney "gathered (Iraqi officials) in his embassy and told them: 'Very frankly, you have to do something,' " recalled Mahmoud Othman, a Kurdish lawmaker. "'If you don't deliver, we can't defend you.'"

Personally, I feel a change in the leadership is long overdue, the present leadership has failed drastically in any attempts at a peaceful existence as well as sheltered the very political leaders we are presently engaged in battles with day after day.


Michael said...

Cheney "gathered (Iraqi officials) in his embassy and told them: 'Very frankly, you have to do something,' " recalled Mahmoud Othman, a Kurdish lawmaker. "'If you don't deliver, we can't defend you.'"

These guys had better listen; Dick Cheney is a guy who shoots his own friends in the face!

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