Saturday, May 19, 2007

Pick up the pieces

I believe that I have reached a solution to the war and I have done this while we are In the midst of all the political, behind the scenes and in front of the camera nonsense is taking place regarding the funding to the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It is all too apparent that a lot of the Iraqi people could care less about the men and women protecting them, fighting for their freedom. This was even more apparent in the debacle where three of our soldiers were taken captive. The reports stated that an Iraqi police team was accompanying our troops, when the firefight began, they choose not to fight, in other words, these pathetic, cowardly pieces of scum stood there while brave American's were fighting for their lives.

Here is my idea, draw back every bit of the military presence in Iraq, all the way back to an effective line surrounding Iraq. Now that they have done that, let the Iraqi people fend for themselves, fight their battles without close air support or reinforcements of American military. Let them fight it out until the last man is standing.

Then, when all the smoke has cleared and we can see exactly who is running the country, Iran, Syria, al-Qaeda, whomever, we go back in and eradicate them from the face of the Earth.

I know, this really sounds like a dumb plan, but in truth, it is a great one, because this is what is going to happen anyway, the moment we pull out this exact scenario will take place, they are all just waiting for this moment anyway. It would save us a lot of manpower and resources in the future and stop it before it began.

The whole affair is insane to begin with, that we are protecting people who could care less if we live or die. The people of Iraq have no clue as to what their future will be if we pull out, they are living in a false sense of security thinking that they would prevail if this happened, when in fact they would be worse off then when they lived under Saddam.


Wild Bill said...

Too many people are thankin with a NARROW MIND and they are limitin their thought to just Iraq.. Its much MUCH bigger than that..

We dont have 3 Carrier Groups over there in the Gulf for Iraq..

We dont have 30K+ U.S. Troops and Nato Troops in The Stan for Iraq..

We dont have Troops in Mendanao for Iraq..

We dont have Troops in The Horn of Africa for Iraq..

We have put Forces and Resources in these places and many more to prepare for The Greater War Against The West by Radical Islam !!

We have all these people in all these places to make sure that the Islamists know that we are not gonna just have war and fightin on OUR nations soil, but are gonna take the fight to whereever the Dirtbag chooses to put his head rag..

We are in Iraq because it has many neighbors that would like nothin better than to thro the whole Mid-East into turmoil and cut off all oil to the West and destroy the West's economies and drive THIS country into another Civil War..

We all know that the Iraqi's dont give a shit about us.. Hell, they wouldnt piss on us if we were on fire, but there are more and more of US that dont give a shit about US too !! They dont care if we dont get any oil and our economy goes to hell, they still aint gonna let us drill in ANWR !! They dont give a shit if a thousand terrorists come across our southern border each day, they still aint gonna let us put a fence and more security down there !! They are more worried about a few Black Bear than fortifyin the levees around Nawlins before another big storm kills another 1000 people !!

So, if WE dont care about US, then who-the-hell is ??

But if we dont have Troops in Iraq and The Stan, then where are we gonna be when Iran gets their nukes loaded onto missiles, or Musharraf gets his head cut off and Al Q takes control of those missiles there already loaded and fueled, or Assad decides to kick off a little genocide experiment with Hexbollah and starts over-runnin the Israeli borders ??

Anybody that aint got their mind stuck on Iraq can see that any of that can happen ANY DAY NOW, and if we aint in Iraq where are we gonna be that would be as close and quick to the action ?? That is unless they thank that we shouldnt get involved in any of that either..

But I happen to believe that we need to be as ready as we can be when ol Act-Mad gets his nukes ready to launch or when Al Q gets the keys to Pakistan's nukes or if Israel needs our help OR if the oil supply from the Mid East is threatened..

Remember, if we lose the oil, we lose our economy and that means another Great Depression !! Anybody have the figures of how many STARVED to death back then ?? Myself, gettin shot or blown up and diein is a lot better way to go than seein me and my whole family and friends slowly starvin to death..

And this country aint near as prepared for another depression as they were back then !!

Anonymous said...

how strange is tht. I agree with the both of you. Live free or die.
The bigger plan is yet to be seen but I have always had faith tht Bush must know something we dont know to continue on with his plan. The middle east is a tinder box which will explode in a day, in a matter of months, or a is coming. All the while we bicker back and forth and Iran readies its nuclear weapons to kill all.

As I look around and hear bits of sound bites about the war at work and elsewhere it seems our ppl have tired of the war....I hear bring them home without the political argument I used to encounter. It is invading their "space" and they are uncomfortable. Tired of seeing the ppl blown up on their tv sets. And if it werent for their tv sets they really would not know we are at war......what do they give up? what have they volunteered. what is their sacrifice?
Nada. a certain extent our brave ppl in the kill zone die, are kidnapped, tortured, beheaded, for the carnival show on tv. The burden is placed squarely on the back of a few special folk who volunteered with the best intent to serve their country. They carry our country's soul in their endeavor.
As you have stated Wild Bill, it is more then tht, it really is the world's soul and we will be drawn into another world war soon.
The American ppl want Iraq to end, bring our ppl home, not realizing the plotting and planning goin on in their own cities right under their noses.
We will all pay for such selfishness and inattention. It is the way it must be. I have become a bit fatalistic.
Events will soon congeal until the bloodbath includes those on the sidelines....why do I think I'll feel better about it then?

The Old Ranter said...

What needs to happen? Hit Iran and Syria with everything we have, every asset, at the same time leave Israel go and do what they will.

End it all once and for all. If they want to call it a crusades, then bu God let it be one and finish the damn thing.

After the dust settles, drop a few megaton warheads on them and go home.

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