Tuesday, July 10, 2007

General Sherman, we need you!

I was surfing through the morning news trying to catch up on a few things that I have missed out on recently. I am not seeing better, just more determined to read the online news sources that I normally haunt.

I must confess that lately my news surfing habits have been postponed due to my vision and today, well, I wish I would have avoided the news altogether.

One of the leading headlines was not the battle raging in Pakistan, nor Iraq, nor anywhere else in the world, In fact, it is not a battle, per se, but a world-wide uproar over Madonna and if she played her own guitar or not at a recent performance!

Here is a clip from one of the news sources, "Debate is raging on internet message boards over whether Madonna's "rocking" Live Earth performance owed more to technical wizardry than musical talent."

After digging through various garbage, tripe and other items passing themselves off as news, I finally reach items of interest, only to wish I was back reading Madonna.

Disgusted, I turn on my trusty old television, well, trusty new and expensive television. Turning to Fox News I find a discussion over the legalities and moral issues of installing terrorist cameras in our country, as we recently saw in the U.K.'s tracking of their terror suspects.

During the attempted car bombings in England and the one that did explode in Scotland, the news services were making a big issue over the state of the art cameras on just about every corner in England. Suffice to say, they did nothing but speak highly of this system.

Here we are a few weeks later and apparently there is now discussion over implementing these same style camera systems in strategic locations in America. The same individuals previously spouting accolades over British ingenuity are now screaming invasion of our rights!

The media never ceases to amaze me, their multi-standard, smug attitudes and constant hollering of rights makes me want to run to the nearest barf bag.

I cannot help but think of the wonderful quote sent to me by my buddy, Wild Bill:

"I hate newspapermen. They come into camp and pick up their camp rumors and print them as facts. I regard them as spies, which, in truth, they are. If I killed them all there would be news from Hell before breakfast." --William Tecumseh Sherman

General Sherman said it well, now, where is my barf bag.


Wild Bill said...

But what disgusts me most, is the attention to the crime after-the-fact, and none of PREVENTIN the crime in the first place !!

Seems as tho they figger that if a crime is prevented then there wont be any glory for the gum shoe that solved the crime after-the-fact..

I know you have heard about "job security" ..

Its like the situation in Iraq.. If folks knew how much progress and accomplishment was happenin over there then there wouldnt be so much cause for call for withdrawl..

Its just another time that nobody is gonna let the facts stand in the way..

Its just like nobody noticin that Al Gore was the prime benefactor of sales and consessions of the Global Warmin "WAKE" they had last weekend.. And just in case somebody gets a case of the "guilties", ol Al also has some Carbon Offsets he is willin to sell em !!

Michael said...

Ranter, you can always count on Sherman for a good turn of phrase.

I shudder to think what he would say of the way the Bush Admin has handled this "War on Terror."

And just try to avoid Fox News; they spend too much time babbling about Rosie and Donald...