Saturday, December 02, 2006

Is Israel next in line?

The Ranter
The Views of The Ranter
It always amazes me, either that or impresses me, when I see something that was once forecast and now becoming a reality, such as the Domino Theory. During the Viet Nam war, this particular phrase was the buzzword of the conflict. The theory, if one should fall, so would many.

This phrase was constantly tossed about, often discussed, dissected and in truth, no one really believed the concept, other than the politicians constantly using it to dig us a bit deeper into the quagmire called Viet Nam. Bear in mind something, history is now showing had we not withdrawn our vital assets, leaving behind advisors to advice and at times command a poorly equipped military, we may have been victorious in this conflict. Remember, we never lost a battle, not once and yet, politicians played the game and lost.

Of course, the phrase, the Domino Theory applied to Communism, but still has a ring of truth to it today and can readily be applied minus the communist portion in today’s conflicts.

We are presently engaged in a war within the Middle East, as long as our men and women are facing combat, it is a war. The Middle East is comprised of various countries, kingdoms and governments. Lebanon is a prime example of my hypotheses, currently undergoing a take over from Iran and Syria.

It is not a question if Lebanon will fall into the hands of Syria and Iran it is a matter of when. President Bush, no longer carrying the House and Senate would be hard pressed to commit troops and assets for an extended period to this region and both countries are well aware of that fact and in fact, banking on it in their quest.

With this fact surfacing on the Middle East horizon, we must ask ourselves a question, who will be next. The obvious answer is Israel, long the thorn in the side of both countries; they just may perceive that history is at the exact apex to destroy Israel once and for all. They would read that America, now the paper tiger often talked about, would fail to come to the aid of its ally in the Middle East. They are also aware that Israel was hard pressed to defeat their Hezbollah fighters, meeting a far better trained equipped and dedicated force than expected with little, if any regard for the lives of the citizens of Lebanon.

Iran would feel that America, already stretched to the limit of its military strength would be unable, politically and militarily to honor an aggression treaty and immediately swoop in for the final blow. Personally, I feel they would not only be very wrong, they would be making a fatal mistake. Defending Israel is embedded within the minds of America and stretched to the limit has nothing to do with it; they should also take into account the resolve and spirit of America when faced with adversity and huge odds, that it where we shine and Iran and Syria would be making the calculated mistake of their countries existence.

Iran and Syria would also make a calculated risk that Israel would not use its nuclear arsenal to defend itself on a first strike basis, keeping engagements to a ground war only, they would be very wrong on this account. Israel will use nuclear force to defend its state and have no qualms about their actions whatsoever, the sanctity of their sovereign soil is vital to Israel.

Granted, this is only a possible scenario of many, but the destruction of Israel has long been their goal. Attacking it would not only prove fatal, it would turn the Middle East into a raging inferno of flames and destruction. They have the resources, but do they possess the stupidity is the major question.


Anonymous said...

The one thing that distresses me the most is the ideology of death of those that would love to see Israel as a puff of smoke. They have no qualms about dying for the cause - in fact, it's an honor and a quick step to their paradise. Of course, the leaders don't seem to be the ones strapping on the bomb vests. Talk about cannon fodder - they have all they need and more. With this mindset, I too, can see this turn so brutally ugly there. I can't see the Israelis swallowing this present appeasemant course for long.

Anonymous said...

Two words. I am not a scholar but it seems to ring true.

biblical prophecy.

The Old Ranter said...

They have got to know that there are so many vestal virgins!

This is a bad time, we are engaged with an enemy with no regard for human life and they scream, moan and SUE when we take action, calling US the infedels and barbarians.

It is ashame we can't finish the job, take out Iran, Syria and finish Iraq.

That is the problem too. Iraq fails to understand they are a beaten nation and because of political correctness, we do not remind them. The world is insane.

We need Patton, FDR and Teddy as well, finish it once and for all.


The Old Ranter said...

"biblical prophecy" one does not need to be a scholar to know the truth.
