Friday, February 24, 2006

Rush said so, that's why!

Let me get the facts straight. We are presently engaged in a war on terrorism. We have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. The United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), the command center for our Special Operation Forces community, Special Forces, Seals, Rangers, Delta, Recon, etc. has teams in – well, it’s classified and they wont tell us, so (Insert Country Name Here) and in deserts, jungles, mountains, in the air, on the ground, under the sea, in houses, apartments, trees, bushes, weeds, stores, counties, cities, in parking lots, on rooftops, let’s fact it folks, generally anyplace, anywhere on earth a terrorist can be.

Let’s add to this growing equation the undocumented fact that if there is anyplace in the air, under the sea, or on the earth a terrorist is hiding in, living in, running from, going to, avoiding, or just sitting in his cave thinking about, you can bet the farm a Special Operations team is waiting for them.

Our predator drones can and have sent missiles into many buildings with hopes of taking out one or more terrorists. Country lines, we could care less, you hide there, we will blow your butt up, that is a statement, which cannot be argued with, and not surprisingly they don’t.

I am convinced, the country is convinced, the whole world is convinced, we are in a war on terrorism and we are out to win no matter where they may hide, no matter what country hides them and to hell with anyone who gets in our way..

With all of this taken into consideration I have to ask myself, how the hell can we give up the security to our ports? A better question, how can we hand over our port security to Dubai? Somehow the fact that we can allow a state-owned Arab firm to acquire terminal management to six major U.S. ports is beyond my comprehension.

I watched Fox news for hours that day. I kept waiting for a newscaster, one of their experts, some ex-general or some guy who majored in poli-sci and finally found a useful tool for his education as a Fox analyst, anybody to explain to me how this deal was good for America’s interests. I called a friend of mine, a “Limbaugh addicted, can’t miss a show kind of person” and asked him what Rush had said. He told me that Limbaugh said we should support the deal, so that was just what he was doing. Kind of “if Rush said it is good for America, then it’s good enough for him.” Then I find out that the only reason Rush gave for supporting it was because the Democrats were against it. Gee, that sure makes sense. NOT!

At this point in time President George W. Bush, remains under fire from Congress and just about everyone else for letting a state-owned Arab firm acquire terminal management at six major U.S. ports. I remain lost in the fog waiting for someone to explain why it is good for America. Somehow just because Rush said so is not enough for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Finally.....some of you are recognizing right wing propaganda for what it is. Slowly, slowly, ever so pain stakingly slow...the truth strains itself into view, exposing the naked, blantant lies of the neo-right.

Mine eyes have seen the glory...