Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Thank you Patriot Guard Riders

Thank you Patriot Guard Riders

It appears they have found a better mix of eye medication for me and I will be able to post once again. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

So many things have happened lately that it is difficult to select one topic to rant about. A few have come to my attention though; one that really hit me was CJ’s post on A Soldier’s Perspective today.

I would like to begin with, Thank God for the members of the Patriot Guard Riders and a salute from an old warhorse.

CJ writes, “A tiny fundamentalist church who picket military funerals to reflect their belief that U.S. combat deaths are a sign God is punishing the United States for harboring homosexuals. Some protesters' signs said, "Thank God for IEDs," the improvised explosive devices, or homemade bombs, that kill many U.S. soldiers.”

This turned my stomach. How can these people call themselves Christians? Thanking God for IEDs! These so-called members of a so-called church should be on their knees praying for the souls of these departed heroes! They should be thanking God there are men and women in the military willing to protect these people’s sorry asses! They should be begging for forgiveness instead of protesting. God, people like this make me sick.

States should do more than ban protesting assemblies at a funeral; they should make it a criminal offense to do anything like this. Anything!

CJ wrote, “At a recent memorial service at Fort Campbell, church protesters and sang vulgar songs condemning homosexuals and soldiers. The Patriot Guard was also there, cheering to support mourning families across the street as community members came in a freezing rain to chant "U-S-A, U-S-A" alongside the bikers.”

These ungrateful, misinformed, disgusting people should not be anywhere near the same hollowed grounds these brave souls are being laid to rest in. Not even in the same state! The fact that these individuals are spewing vulgarities on hollowed grounds in the name of God is blasphemy! These people are not Christians they are not even human. They are sub-human bottom crawlers feeding off any media attention they can attract. They need to crawl back to the rock they came from and seal themselves in. Damn they disgust me.

I must admit that I wrote many more paragraphs about this and decided to delete them. My anger and disgust got the better of me, but there is no point in bringing more attention to people like this. It is what they want; it is why they are doing it in the first place.

I will close with once more thanking the members of the Patriot Guard Riders. Keep riding and keep up the great work!

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