Wednesday, February 08, 2006

To my readers

To my readers,

I apologize for my lack of updates lately; I had a few medical problems that kept me out of touch with computers for a bit. I encountered problems with my eyes, which have taken a period of time to be able to medically manage.

I had a condition known as Iritis, an inflammation under the irises of the eyes. This lead to inflammatory glaucoma. My eyes tended to form higher pressures from time to time subsequently causing a massive loss of vision. Suffice to say this created a severe problem in attempting to write. The Iritis moved into a chromic phases; each time creating a new glaucoma attack. I would be walking; typing, anything and my eyes would go out.

I am now under a new spectrum of drops, which, at least for now appear to be keeping it under control. If so I will be updating very soon. I apologize to my readers and assure you I will be back as soon as possible

The Old Ranter.

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