Wednesday, August 15, 2007

History or going to the dogs

We are all acutely aware of the adage about history repeating itself. This has really been on my mind that past few days while reading the various news items.

First thing is the Russian Air force is making long distance flights once more, supposedly smiling at our responding pilots in Guam. The next item was Washington discussing the possibility of reinstituting the draft.

"Fox News - Frequent tours for U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan have stressed the all-volunteer force and made it worth considering a return to a military draft, President Bush's new war adviser said Friday."

As I was reading these I was wondering how far history would repeat itself this time, will it include a new cold war?

Let us not forget that many analysts are saying the Iraq and Afghanistan war is this generations Viet Nam, making comparisons to no means of departure. Personally, I think the analysts all need to get out more, see a movie, read a book and quit thinking so darn much.

I for one, am too old and cranky to see this generation go through another flower power, or all of the trappings of the summer of love, 1967? Lest we forget, all of the counter culture and drugs are still with us and in fact, more prevalent than ever.

Of course, the music of the 1960 era compared to the rap of this era is two completely different concepts. That does not mean that people cannot speak their peace about war, hunger, politics, whatever is on their mind. The music may be different, but the message can still be just a powerful.

One thing is certain; the world has changed and is still within a constant state of more change to come. No one can really say what the nest 100 years will be, for the sake of many, let us hope that maybe, just maybe, people may learn to get along.

Now, where did I put those bell bottom jeans?

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