Friday, August 03, 2007

Politics as usual, nothing new.

If the on-going Presidential race is showing America anything, it is showing us that the candidates are all side stepping any talk about taking actions against terrorism in the Middle East.

Take the latest political no-no that candidate Barack Obama said in public that he now wishes he could take a mulligan on. Obama said if elected, he might order unilateral military strikes against terrorists hiding in this Islamic country (Pakistan).

Of course, that prompted the media to rush out to get a quote from any Pakistani leader it could find. This lead to a quote on the CBS evening news site, which stated, "Top Pakistan officials said Obama's comment was irresponsible and likely made for political gain in the race for the Democratic nomination."

In addition, not wanting to leave anyone out, ""It's a very irresponsible statement, that's all I can say," Pakistan's Foreign Minister Khusheed Kasuri told AP Television News."

When one stops and thinks of these statements and subsequent political spins the candidates are attempting to put on their quotes, well, it tends to drive you insane after awhile.

Iraq is quickly turning into another Viet Nam hot potato. No one wants to be involved with it and neither do they wish to say anything that could be tied to it. Like puppets at the local park, the candidates strings are pulled to make them say, "bring home the troops", nothing more.

It would be nice for one of them to actually say what they are thinking, not what they are expected to say. That would be something new for the voters of America, truthfulness, what a concept that would be.