Thursday, August 09, 2007

The sky is falling

The sky is falling – the sky is falling. Good old chicken little , little did he know it, but he saw into the future, Here we are with a whole lot of people hollering for us to pull our troops out of Iraq and a whole lot more hollering to send more troops.

What is the answer? Perhaps I can be like the great King in The 300 and go to speak to some drugged out oracle. On second thought, I have no idea. Perhaps if we had done the job right in the first place we would not be in this quandary.

I do not mean massive force, I mean going in as a conquering nation, not liberators. This way we could have dictated what we wanted. Now, before the email begins, allow me to make a few points.

As conquers we would have freed Iraq, took out Saddam and spent the next five years trying in vain to instill leadership that would work together, all the while fighting an insurgency. No wait that is what happened now. Perhaps there is a lot to be said for the more force argument.

The point that I am making is no matter what we would have done, we would still be in the same situation, fighting the same war.

The major problem we are facing is their leadership cannot see the same light of day. One says the sky is blue, the other says, we quit, you said the sky is blue, that is blasphemy.

I used to think that I had the answer, but I was completely wrong. No one will ever have the answer until the various sects can learn to work together towards the common good and wellbeing of the people and that has not happened since the warring sects began.

Perhaps a Kurd, as the great king Salah al-Din was when he took control of the warring clans and formed one continuous force to be reckoned with. That may be one of the few answers that no one has seen and just may be a working solution.

One thing is for certain, they need to discover the magic moment and it needs to be done soon. If not, after we pull out the entire country will be up for grabs, as no one is capable of working together.