The drug problem in Mexico
The drug problem within Mexico and our borders is not going to go away by simply sweeping it under a rug pretending that it never occurred in the first place, but that is exactly what they are attempting to do with their new laws. Their congress passed legislation decriminalizing possession of small quantities of drugs for personal use — including cocaine and even heroin. To put it in simple terms the bill legalizes possession of small amounts of heroin, cocaine, ectasy and marijuana.
Mexico has been a continuing source of illegal drugs such as marijuana and cocaine and has been the bane of law enforcement officials working along the border for years. They have found enough tunnels stretching under the border to weaken the earth’s surface connecting the two. I recently watched a show on one of the discovery or learning channels where they were going over one such tunnel which evidently been built by professional engineers
The tunnel was located under a house, or some form of structure on the US side and was built with connecting beams and totally walled with cement. It was wide enough for small trucks to drive back and forth between the US and Mexico allowing them to bring their death-dealing loads of drugs into our country. The drug agency person being interviewed stated that it had been going on for a long period of time and the tunnel was wide enough to bring just about anything someone wished into this country, including weapons and people. That is a very frightening statement if you think about it; they could have brought shoulder fired missile launchers, bombs and the people to man them in another attempt to destroy America.
We have law enforcement agencies that have been working jointly with Mexican drug officials for years and they have been waging a loosing battle in an attempt to put a stop to it. Now with Mexico taking the stance that it is better to ignore a problem than it is to fight it only time will tell what the outcome will be. One can only imagine the swarms of young people and college crowd making their treks across the border to obtain drugs and the beefed up law enforcement we will have to put on our side to combat this problem. Mexico has taken the drug enforcement problem to an entirely new level and in a time when America is trying to so something positive with the growing illegal follow of people across the border. Forcing America to close off our borders is not the answer to this problem and it appears that Mexico is attempting to do just that.