Thursday, April 06, 2006

A few thoughts

I find the present headlines, “More Human Remains Found Near Trade Center” and “Moussaoui Jurors To Relive 9/11” surreal and at the same time heart wrenching when read together. I must confess reading them immediately brought back the events of that day exactly as the occurred not too long ago.

Honestly, I am not going to dwell on this today, except to say these headlines made me realize these events, like so many other moments in history are etched in my mind. The same can apply to the events, which surround the assassination of President John Kennedy, another moment of realization etched in my mind.

I find it very interesting that any moment of a catastrophic nature in our lives can be recalled so vividly many years later. Perhaps this is more important than we can truly ever understand. Perhaps it is meant to be because we are the present bearer of the standard and it enables us to pass these events to our children.

Of course, this is all simply a bit of idle wondering thoughts which have crossed my mind, but I suspect it is a true statement, we are meant to remember, so we can tell the children the truth, someone has to.

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