Thursday, April 27, 2006

The media has lost touch of being a professional

I have been reading all of the negative statements emanating from the anti-war media pertaining to the Zarqawi video released April 25 titled, "This is a Declaration To The People." and I confess I have been so enraged with a fire within me that I have not yet bothered to write about it. Tonight I received a newsletter from our good friend, CJ in which he discussed the video at length, going over various points and references. I read this twice, insuring I captured each item Cj was making and decided it was time to take this matter on in my blog.

To begin, the media has manifested into such an anti-military misinformation machine that it is bordering on the ad nauseam. My blog, as is the majority of the military and veteran blogs out there today supports the men and women in harm’s way, our military. I have made numerous statements pertaining to the manner in which the media portrays these men and women which in essence is in the worse possible light. They go out of their way to insure the casualty figures are screaming in headlines as well as any unhappiness that may or not be prevalent within the military. Let one soldier write in their blog that they are unhappy, or they have lost faith, or God forbid question the fact they are there and the media eats this up as a vulture on a fresh kill.

We cannot pick up a newspaper or magazine or turn on any form of news programming without being inundated with antiwar and antimilitary propaganda. Where are the eye-opening fact filled in-depth features about the antimilitary individuals protesting the funerals of our brave fallen men and women? Granted, the media did make comments regarding this, but not one single news program said anything other than reporting that it happened. Not like their continuous antiwar statements that a reporter should not be making in the first place.

The media is not supposed to report anything in a biased manner; I believe that specific rule of thumb went out of a second story window during the Taft administration. They are also supposed to report items in a fair manner; they threw that out along with the other biased things they ignore. The media does whatever it wants to do, make any statement it wishes to make and the sad part is the majority of their listening audience believes every word stated.

Our military is comprised of professional, educated, highly trained individuals dedicated to the branch of service they selected. They enter the service and after completing long difficult training, sent to countries on orders of the government they promised to protect. They spend their nights insuring the safety and freedom of people they have never met with the knowledge that some of them may never come home again. They are the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard and they do this because they volunteered.

Remember this and think about them the next time you watch the news or read a paper because somewhere in the world, any time or any day they are thinking of you.


Anonymous said...

God bless you Ranter, you are such a simple man, with a laser-beam mind. Every WORD, true. As usual you are an inspiration for this nation's Espirit De Corpes.
Stay on the Rant---maybe one day you'll have them on the run!!

Anonymous said...

Perfectly said! It is disgusting. That's why I keep blogging.