Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Time to act

It appears a federal jury has found Zacarias Moussaoui, the only person to be charged in the United States in connection with the Sept. 11 attacks, to be eligible for the death penalty.

What truly amazed me yesterday when this was announced were the callers to one of the news channels stating we were discriminating against Muslims. I was more than amazed, I was literally blown away at the time.

This is neither a case of racial prejudice nor any form of discriminating, this is pertaining to the knowledge of an incident, which caused deaths on a large scale by weapons of mass destruction. Yes, those airplanes became weapons of mass destruction the moment they were taken over and flown into the world trade center.

There are times I am sickened by the very nature of some individuals in situations such as this. It is about time we as a nation came together under one voice and announced to the world that we are fed up and not going to stand for this any longer. If you launch attacks against us, we will rain devastation upon you and perhaps that may cause some to stop and think for once.

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