Sunday, April 02, 2006

Our Borders

This morning’s news contained a comment pertaining to the Minuteman returning to the border of Arizona to provide a civilian defense. The knowledge of civilians running around in camouflage pants and sporting .357 Smith & Wesson revolvers on their hips would not make me feel too safe.

Apparently the minutemen are comprised of civilian volunteers from all across the nation and represent all walks of life. They gather on various borders to demonstrate the countries need for additional protection. They accomplished the same last year on that border as well as a few others.

The article stated similar patrols began Saturday near the U.S.-Mexican border in California, Texas and New Mexico and along the U.S.-Canadian border in New Hampshire, New York and Washington.

This appears to be a well-orchestrated effort to demonstrate the countries lack of protection along our borders. My question does not pertain to the illegal immigrant situation that is current causing demonstrations along these same borders, but what happens if someone actually shoots and kills someone crossing the border?

These individuals are not sworn peace officers or member of a militia, which due to Posse Comitatus would be impossible.

I am not going to begin a discussion on the right to bear arms or the current illegal immigrant situation, this is simply too volatile for a blog.

I am simply pointing out the fact that these individuals stand to loose a substantial amount should things suddenly go wrong as they always tend to do on our borders.

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