Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Three wives!

While reading the morning news I came upon a promotion for a new television show. It is about a Man, his wife and family, except we are talking wives, plural, three of them and seven children, all residing in three adjoining houses in suburban Salt Lake City. All Right! Three wives! How in the name of Viagra can a guy take care of three wives? Okay, let’s totally take away the sex factor, even though they have it, or no seven kids. Let’s simply enter the emotional factor for one relationship. The actual dedication, work, parenting, being there for each other, you know? That factor, the one that truly counts in a marriage, let alone a relationship.

I have always found the work it takes in a marriage to one mate is more than enough to handle without being a polygamist. Now, I really don’t have room to talk, nor would I be considered an expert witness. That is unless ex-wives are taken into consideration. Only kidding, but, as most other human beings, I have had more than enough life-experience in relationships. As any other male in the world I can attest to the fact that living together is simply not an easy task. Sure, it’s great having someone to share things with, laugh with, enjoy life with, but there are down moments too and they are the ones that take work.

I have never been the partying type, well that’s a lie, when I was younger there were days without sleep. But, I was not that dumb, dating only back then. I can only imagine staying out late with the guys, tossing back a few beers and playing pool. The poor guy arrives at his home(s), guess that would be plural in the above case, and there are not one, but three wives standing at the door waiting with fire in their eyes. I guess tearing your shirt and running in screaming, “Don’t pay the ransom, I got away!” would be a pretty good idea at that point.

Watching a guy with three wives, seven children and probably a lifelong prescription of Viagra may be humorous, we will have to wait and see.


Fishgutts said...

Any man who thinks he can take care of more than one wife is a mad man. I can barely keep up with one. Add my ex-wife in there and I should have grey hair.

Mormon Brady Bunch Dad - the divorced and remarried Mormon with 5 kids

AsianSmiles said...

on the other hand..
i can barely keep myself attractive & interesting enough to merit admiration from my husband. if there are three of us, how much more difficult would life be for me?