I hope it has cable
Warning....This is long winded as I am standing atop my soapbox.
My good buddy Wild Bill of Rednecks Revenge from the great state of Texas brought up an excellent comment to my post on Israel finding their roots and that is, to put it in a nutshell, SO WHAT – Shut the hell up Media! Well, honestly speaking, that is the way I feel. Actually Wild Bill said this, “WHY, should a country HAVE to subscribe to M.E.D.I.A. maneuvers to win a gotdam war anyway ?? Who says that the media should have any other aspect and responsibilty to play in a war, other than to report the F.A.C.T.S. ??”
That is so darn true that it should be written in pure gold. However, ( As I move my soapbox a little closer) the problem is our wonderful world has in that great proverbial phrase, “gone to hell in a hand basket.” As I have been standing on my soapbox shouting loudly to anyone within range, the world is now politically correct, everything we do, say, feel and think has to fall into what “some” people foresee the proper politically correct category of it should be. Personally, I could care less what someone thinks of me, but the world stage, well son, that is a different matter altogether.
The fine art of war falls straight into this area of new age political correctness, but not what other people think, what the media thinks and why is that you ask? Because the media propels the thinking world into the direction of thought it perceives it should be. That is wrong and should never be, but it has come to this and there is nothing we can do. If the media says something is wrong, then by God you can bet the picnic basket that the rest of the world will say it is wrong. It matters not if it was truly right, nope that no longer matters my children, because the media said otherwise, the media God has spoken and the world listens.
Therein lies the current world problems, it is no longer an issue of the Hezbollah committing an act of war upon the state of Israel and the soldier hostage, well, he is no longer an issue either. Look through all the articles condemning Israel and try to find any mention of the return of the hostage or Israel ever being attacked. None, and why is this you wonder, because the media wants to pound the tragedy into our heads, not that Israel was attacked and they have accomplished this.
The Hezbollah manipulated Israel every step of the way, they wanted Israel to begin bombing targets of opportunity within the city and they accomplished this by launching hundreds of rockets into Israel from within the confines of the city and only that location. The only possible recourse available to Israel to effectively combat that situation is to issue warnings to the inhabitants of the city then commence bombing the targets. Which is exactly what transpired and it was accomplished as I wrote, by the Hezbollah walking Israel right into it inch by inch.
That is the course that Israel followed and it was the course laid out by the Hezbollah to trap Israel into bombing an innocent target and bomb they did. Now they are the scorn of the media, consequently the free world must comply with the media, now calls of war crimes are being heard.
It was a total shame that all those women and children perished in the bombing, but even though Israel dropped the bomb it was orchestrated by the Hezbollah every step of the way. Do we hear anyone condemning them, no, and that is the way they set the trap. To the Hezbollah those innocent people were simply the bait in the trap, nothing more. We will not hear anyone condemning them for it either.
This is why many of us have been writing that WWII type bombings would never be permitted in this brave new world of media controlled political correctness. We can only imagine the outrage of the firebombing of Japan or the total bombing of Berlin in this new age thinking. Me, as a soldier I always felt I had the answer to everything, explosives and plenty of them properly placed could solve any problem in combat, but no more. Let’s be honest, if the liberals and the media had their way the entire world would join hands and skip merrily through the countryside doing good deeds for others.
The world’s mind has all gone out to lunch and we are all going to hell for not being politically correct, I hope it has cable.