Sunday, July 02, 2006

Independence Day

Independence Day, July 4th, 2006, the anniversary of American Independence from the rule of England, we can safely say that since that day and the subsequent war of 1812 America and Great Britton has become the staunchest of allies working towards common goals. Together both nations are confronted with a war on terrorism and our kinship has grown rapidly into that of one goal by two countries.

July 4th, 1776 on that day, long ago our forefathers decided no longer would they walk softly into the night, no longer would they be taxed without representation, no longer would a foreign king rule them. They would untie those bounds of rule by knowingly becoming wanted outlaws when they boldly placed their signatures upon the Declaration of Independence sending a message to King George that we, the people, conceived in liberty are a free nation, governed by a democracy under the principals of all men are created equal and free to rule as we please.

These brave men, wanting only freedom from foreign rule had created a country with no standing military or navy in which to fight, but they continued to write articles that later become known as the Charters of Freedom and these individual article of liberty and democracy has stood the test of time.

Our war of independence was not an easy war, we had to create a military and borrow a navy, facing hardships that today would be unfathomable, they fought on as minutemen, able to fight at a minutes notice. Our countrymen fought the invading armies as no nation had fought them before, we did not simply stand in straight lines facing one another on the field of battle, we added to that new forms of battle, we hid in the forest, shooting and moving to new locations, behind cover, anything that would protect us from fire. Today that is known as guerilla warfare and many of the individuals we fight are not aware that we perfected it.

Today we are confronted with terrorism, something that prior to the events of 9/11 America had never faced before we had only read about it in places like Israel, England, Ireland, and we felt sorrow and sadness when reading of their deaths, but it had not affected our country. On 9/11 that and the lives of thousands of Americans changed forever in the blink of an eye, terrorism had come to America and along with it sorrow, devastation, loss of life and families changed forever.

We are once again faced with a war, not of independence, but a war to live without fear and we have sent our sons and daughters to fight it to insure our existence. Some question these actions; some even say it was created, that of course is expected because we as Americans can say that, we can say exactly what we please without fear of reprisals because of the events, which took place in Boston on that first Independence Day.

The Ranter

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please help the VFTT= Veterans for the Truth. We are forming to deal with the statements made by John Murtha against our troops. If you would like to see our site go to We are trying to get volunteers in (his)/ OUR 12th district to take to the streets in operation street corner.We will be adding a place to sign up on the site soon. Until then, we can use any help from other Vets we can get.See our section for t-shirts and bumper stickers. Thank You HT1 USN RETIRED