Sunday, July 23, 2006

How did I get here

Is there a specific cosmic or universal law, which dictates that human beings must grow old, or is it something that the medical community conjured up sometime during the Roosevelt administration, (Theodore) to make people spend more money on additional Doctors?

Perhaps this is all a simple joke and truth be told we are all stranded in some type of groundhog day, (movie) scenario forced to repeat, only we get older, become all moldy and what have you, then spend money on Doctors.

When I was a child I recall very specifically that I had one Doctor and that nice old guy used to come to my house, wash his hands in our sink then give me immense pain with shots and other medical nonsense. I also fondly remember that he had a license plate that said he was that as well, so I never doubted for a moment that he was anything other than that. After all, if the state said he was a Doctor and my Father trusted him in the house without shooting him then he was a Doctor, pure and simple.

Now I am a bit older, okay, really older and I no longer have a Doctor that comes to my house, that is really a joke, I have to go to his and then he will see me when he feels like it. However, am I regulated to one and only one single Doctor, nope, not on your life, or mine, as I am the one really complaining about this right now. Nope, I have a primary care, an eye specialist, an eye surgeon, an arthritis specialists, a pulmonary specialist, a skin specialist and ad nauseam.

I am only saying this as I have been balancing the checkbook and going through medical payments and suffice to say now I need depression specialists. I also have two Doctor Appointments tomorrow and I have to pick up prescriptions that my eye Doctor called in. After all that is done, I planned to look for the S.O.B. that stuck me on this aging process and I am going to kick his butt so badly that he has to see a butt Doctor.

The Ranter


Anonymous said...

Ah, gonna have to see that Butt Specialist to have your foot removed, hm?

Anonymous said...

I remember hiding under the bed when the Doctor came looking for me. Funny, they always knew where to find me.


Noticed that after ya hit 50 the Dr. appointments become more profuse. And isn't it funny when yer new Doctor walks in and looks all of 18 years old. Then you know yer REALLY old.

Pray for grace. It is all ya can do.