Saturday, July 01, 2006

Discovery – another day

With some of America sitting on needles awaiting the shuttle launch and others questioning why we are spending the money to go into space, the shuttle Discovery was scrubbed today due to thunderclouds. The weathermen are forecasting that tomorrow will not be much better, and then they are off on Monday for the holiday, but are planning another launch Tuesday, if scrubbed tomorrow.

Tuesday is July 4, America’s Independence Day, I would be willing to bet any amount of money that the shuttle Discovery will launch on that day, as a significant attribute to our independence and fortitude, if nothing else. If it has not left the bounds of Earth by then you can bet that “damn the clouds”, it will launch on July 4.

I for one am quite excited over our re-entry into outer space, after all, we are America, the explorers, it is in our nature, our very DNA to explorer the unknown, chart the uncharted, it is in us and there is nothing we can do about it.

Independence is a wonderful commodity and it should be experienced at least once by all countries. No, I am not stating that our form of democracy is for everyone, no at all, in fact I believe it should be instituted in varying forms along with other forms of government that best suits the people of that nation. Without getting into the “how are you going to do that” I will just say, I have no idea, hell I am just a fellow American with my own feelings on the matter.

It is not my intention to write the great treatise on the byproduct of Independence, suffice to say, it should be welcomed with open arms by any nation presently under watchful eyes of another. That can or cannot be a very wide spectrum and to go into it would be to defiantly write my grand discourse on the subject, so I will leave it for a later swansong, should it come to that.

Space Shuttle Discovery, I hope the wind is soon at your sails and you have left the bounds of Earth to explorer the unknown. It is a part of who we are and you will be embracing that one strand of our genome that has been passed down from our forefathers.

The Ranter

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