Monday, July 10, 2006

Now more than ever

I have often posted my feelings on supporting the men and women of our military and the citizens of America uniting into a common goal. In retrospect, this was more of an open call to arms to the people of America than a meager attempt at confronting my feelings with Freudian and Jung conceptual rantings and ravings.

Lately I have found myself continuously writing about the actions of North Korea and the affect it may or may not have upon America, not only our way of life, but our very lives itself. Whether this exercise in futility is of a physiological nature or simply born out of my fear of a nuclear devastation scenario of biblical proportions I really cannot answer. One would assume that living through the cold wars of previous years would have desensitized my fears and make this present situation appear as “same news, different day”.

That is simply not the case, the events we are being confronted with daily in this new nuclear confrontation are different than we experienced with the Russian cold war, very different. Yes, it is the same old nuclear confrontation scenario, but emanating from a government gone mad, born out of the ravings of a madman and the thirst and hunger of the people he governs.

This is very different as the people are starving, living in constant fear of a death from malnutrition and starvation, their goal is surviving and this is where the fear enters the picture. We are not only being threatened by insanity gone even madder, but the fact that 22 million souls are starving within the borders of his country. This country is only a parallel away from entering another war, a 38th parallel to be exact and they have nuclear weapons. This is different because it is not just threats, but a reality, the people within the confines of the parallel would gladly give their lives to alleviate their hunger. To these starving people America is the land of milk and honey, store shelves overflowing with food and they would do whatever it takes to stop from starving to death.

Japan is actually contemplating a pre-emptive strike against North Korea, this in itself is difficult to comprehend because they have felt secure under the umbrella of our protection and now they are afraid for their very existence. This situation is not threats, this is real, and this may very well lead to a nuclear war with little if any survivors and now more than ever the people of America do need to unite. Now more than ever we need to survive and we can only accomplish this if we stand behind our leaders and our flag.

The Ranter


Wild Bill said...

Put down the Kool-Aid, and nobody gets hurt, Ranter !!

Just kiddin ya.. But, seriously tho, what you are askin for is somethin that "just aint gonna happen" !! The "other side" would rather see America go down in flames just so they could wag a fanger at G.W. and go "na na na na na na, we toldja so" .. They are stuck on gay marriages and abortion rights and are so anti war that they would rather sit on their hands and let the U.S. go up in flames rather than see the U.S. SURVIVE with a (R) in the White House.. Just wouldnt be worth it to them..
Already, every day, they stand by and watch as gangs and thugs rape, pillage, and plunder thier OWN FAMILIES, because they dont want to disturb their PACIFIST KARMA !!
To ever thank that those folks are ever gonna join the ranks of those that fight to protect whats their's is never, ever, gonna happen..
Hate to be the one to tell you this, Ranter, but we are on our own Buddy !! Because half of America is not gonna be up to the task, that means that folks like me and you that are, are gonna have to pull "double-duty" !! to also protect the dirtbags that are too chickenshit to lift a fanger to save their own worthless asses..
Those same folks that fight US tooth-and-nail today when we try to secure our future, are gonna be the same ones that are gonna cry "help me" when the SHTF..

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear." -- Marcus Tullius Cicero

Anonymous said...

"Japan is actually contemplating a pre-emptive strike against North Korea"

Don't know where you think you got that information, but there is a 100% chance that will never happen.

Anonymous said...

yeppers, I find myself humming the sound track from the movie "JAWS"

Very ominous.

The Old Ranter said...

Wild Bill,
Loved the Marcus Tullius Cicero quote and glad you posted it. I had totally forgot that one. I kept it.

The Old Ranter said...

Yep, we both know it will not happen, but the fact they leaked it to the media in an attempt to put a scare into Kim Jong-il was a total shock, to the media pundits as well as me.
It is contrary to their constitution, but their leaking it to CNN, Fox and BBC blew me away. A sign of the times.