Friday, July 21, 2006

Only in America

There are those times when I am very surprised by the fortitude and strength of the people of the world or specifically anyone with an Internet connection. Here we are standing on the very precipice of a war of unknown devastation in multiple countries with the gates of hell about to come unhinged any moment. Israel has massed thousands of its troops along the Lebanon border and is currently calling up its reserve military and the national news services are camped on the border waiting for the attack. Iran is underwriting North Korea in long-range rocket research, the Hezbollah, and the Hamas in military aid and terrorism funding. Somalia has been consumed by the fires within and a known terrorists organization is ruling whatever little is left of the country. Iraq and Afghanistan are still loose cannons with foundling governments and insurgent fighting becoming part of the daily way of life.

Throughout all of this one would assume the people of the world would be a tad concerned, especially those living in the locations I listed, one would think they would be stockpiling food or at least moving to another location. However, that assumption would be the furthest from the truth, they are not doing any of that, and they are watching videos.

The number one video on the Internet that is the most watched above any other is that of the President of the United States giving a backrub to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the G-8 Summit meeting. This is big news in Germany, they even gave it a nice title, President Bush creeps out German Chancellor with unwelcome massage, wow, they really tend to hold a grudge.

We Americans are well aware that our President has a genuine fondness for those around him and a propensity for assigning quant nicknames to them. Those who have received one of these quant new names often wear them proudly, well, at least until the media gets wind of it then they tend to change their mind. Worse yet is when something happens to put them in the media spotlight, which tends to happen a lot in our country and the world begins using their new nickname. Now we have to worry he will begin giving backrubs at random on top of his propensity for nicknames.

As Don King loves to shout whenever he is within range of a camera, Only in America, but truth be told, I love it and would not want to be anywhere else.

The Ranter

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