Monday, July 03, 2006

Thank you

I wanted to take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt thanks to all who are forwarding my posts on America must unite and Independence Day to their friends and other bloggers, it sincerely touched me and validates the purpose we all blog in the first place, to share our feelings with others.

As bloggers we have conceived a small community within the web in which to share our feelings, our rants and ravings and sometimes things that are very close to our hearts. A reader can access someone’s thoughts on just about any topic or subject one can imagine and we are able to share those feelings with others thereby extending that bloggers thoughts even further.

I am going to let stand the last two I have written until after the July 4th holiday, quite frankly, I really do not feel I can add anything to what was in those two posts, as they were written entirely from my heart and I meant each and every word.

America does need to unite and we need to remember what made us a country in the first place, so with that, I will see you after the 4th, feel free to share those two posts with friends.

The Ranter


Anonymous said...

THANK YOU, Ranter. You are truely the voice of experience and HEART. You write from the depths of yer soul and so many of us connect with honesty and directness (which at times seems to be lacking in our culture of late)

Tune in every day for my FIX. Good to know there is a bedrock of strength and resolve embedded in our society somewhere. Great writing and excellent insight. You say the words so many of us feel in our hearts.

Hate to sound like I am gushing here---But, I am a dedicated fan and want you to know you are an American treasure.

We all take turns carrying the BATON, but few communicate the essence so clearly.

I'm off to a bar-b-q, I dedicate the soon to be imbibed margarita to you and yer FREEDOM SPIRIT!!!

God bless ya

Bushwack said...

Very great read sir, I'll be linking to this tomorrow if you don't mind.