Sunday, September 24, 2006

More on Al Qaeda death porn video

The Ranter
The Views of The Ranter

More on my comments on the death of two American soldiers at the hands of Al Qaeda, Michelle Malkin has the Al Qaeda Death Porn video of the actual feat. I personally was unable to watch it as I wanted to do something, anything and the helpless feeling was simply too much.

As I said yesterday, it is time to go to war, all out and total war. They want us to be the bad guys, they are the ones screaming crusade, then it is time for us to act accordingly and wage a war to win. To hell with the hearts and minds, we played that game in Viet Nam and it mattered none. To hell with their rights, as far as I am concerned, if they are terrorists, Al Qaeda, insurgents and anyone taking up arms against our military then they have no rights except to die.

This latest action is far too much to take and it appears that Michelle Malkin and myself are the only two people who are outraged and writing about it.