Friday, September 29, 2006

One last thought....

The Ranter
The Views of The Ranter
I wanted to make one last comment tonight to our friend Kilroy 60, something I had in mind early today and neglected to post.

There is nothing wrong in your feelings and questions on the war in Iraq. You have made it perfectly clear that you respect the American military and my friend, that is what counts. It is your right not to support any war as long as you respect and support the military committed to that war.

Contrary to many of the anti-war protestors the military does not have any opinion or decision on whom they attack. They do not sit in the barracks at night discussing what country or head of state they are going to go after. The order is given and they as military follow orders preforming that job to the best of the ability.

As many of my brothers and sisters I have been on the receiving end with names as “baby killer” and many more. I have had eggs and tomatoes thown at me and for what reason? The fact that I was wearing a uniform and that was all. Why they felt that I had any choice to anything that I did in the Army was totally beyond my comprehension.

Question all you wish and do not support anything you are not committed to, that is your right and any veteran will support you, but by all means and for every person standing on the line, support the men and women. And my friend, you have said that you do, end of the story.


Kilroy_60 said...

It's been "interesting" being a Guest Columnist here today, Ranter. It has never been my intention to Rant! in your comments. I've never been able to be passive about life. I would rather speak and be wrong than be silent and allow injustice to occur, to accept things that I think are bad to go unquestioned, to allow those who are weak to go without a defense put forth.

I have friends and relatives who have served in the military. I had a fraternity brother who was at The Pentagon on 9/11. I have walked amongst the headstones at Arlington...not riding as a tourist to see JFK's grave, jumping back on and returning to the tourist path.

I feel empathy for those men and women who put their lives on the line because that is what they have been ordered to do. I unerstand that they do not question the mission; they do what is necessary to get the job done.

I do what I can in my own small way to let those in the military know that what they do is recognized, supported and valued. I have had one after another say for years that it is recognition they do not normally receive. That saddens me.

I promote on my site because it is something I can do to try and provide support.

Before I go to sleep at night i pray that there will not be casualties as I sleep. I am hopeful when I awake that there will be good news. Those maybe naive thoughts. I am, nonetheless, hopeful.

I thank you again for providing me with this forum. The input I have received is appreciated. It has caused me to think much. I hope that in some way I have offered something positive to you and your audience.

I have stated that I did not come here to drive traffic to my blog. That is true. There is one thing that I know, though, If one is limited to their own viewpoint it is impossible to learn anything. I value the input of those who have put their lives on the line. There is no education that can teach you what that feels like.

I appreciate what you have done in serving our country. I am sorry that people did not show you the respect you deserved. People are all too often ignorant and take out their frustration and anger on easy targets. You were unfortunately an easy target at one time; it's a sad statement about our society.

Whatever comments folow mine on any of todays postings will go without further comment by me. If anyone wishes to visit my blog I will happily accept any input they offer.

I leave as I came...agreeing with you on some things and disagreeing on others. I feel, though, that we are better friends after today.

With liberty and justice for all...

Wild Bill said...

Just a word of advice from Wild Bill.. If you want me to discuss or share my thoughts, its better if you done tell me it aint gonna make any difference what I say.. I've got a lot better thangs to do with my time than waste my breath !!

The Old Ranter said...

Oh I did not mean it that way. I think you know what I was trying to say bud. Yes, it did and so did I, but people make their minds up based on the information we provide. Oh, yes, you are right, I should have worded that much different. Sorry pard. I really am.

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