Friday, March 16, 2007

Far from over

The last Israeli war against the Hezbollah in Lebanon left so much collateral damage that people in Lebanon are still displaced from their homes. Israeli forces assumed it was going to be a typical engagement against the Hezbollah, they were soon proved wrong.

The Hezbollah had no qualms of instigating Israeli reprisals within Lebanon by launching rockets within cities, sometimes between occupied structures. The Israeli forces would respond in-kind, killing the innocents and of course causing a maelstrom of public outpouring. It was a no-win situation and the media was going to make sure it was.

The one thing I recall was a reporter talking with returning Special Operations Forces of Israel, normally, the cream of the military, they were in shock, saying they did not expect the intense fighting they had encountered. Of course, further communications with IDF was banned and no more comments came from the front.

This war showed the IDF they needed to hone their tactics to a different direction, gone are the days of the invincible picture of the IDF, but they are still are force to be reckoned with. This is a standing military that takes its vows of service beneath Masada, where the Jewish forces fighting Rome took their own lives, over 900, instead of being taken slaves by the Roman Empire. The IDF may need to change their tactics, but they can never be counted out, not with what they are fighting for, their very right to exist.

Now comes forth an article pertaining to statements made by, Maj. Gen. William Terpeluk, published in the Jewish Exponent, here is a direct quote of the text:

A veteran U.S. Army general told a local audience this week that the Al Qaeda terrorist network has set itself a 20-year goal of establishing an Islamic caliphate throughout the Middle East, Northern Africa and Southeast Asia; having a direct confrontation with Western nations; and making Israel one of its very first targets.

"I think that the mere fact that Israel exists is their motivation," said Maj. Gen. William Terpeluk in his presentation this past Sunday, noting that terrorists actually think they have a chance to destroy the Jewish state.

"I can say that I think we're going to see more attacks against Israel, just to get the base fired up," and thereby rally support among Islamic extremists.”

Just because our Congress feels the war will be over by bringing troops home does not make for it to be true. It is time they began to look around them and see what is going on, then perhaps they can see the trees instead of a forest.

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