Saturday, March 24, 2007

It just keep geting worse

The only possible explanation I can come up with for Iran boarding a British ship and taking Marines and Naval personnel captive is, they truly want to force a confrontation with the rest of the world, either that or their President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been out in the sun on a camel far too long.

Let’s think about this for one moment. Okay, let’s assume, just for something to do, that Iran just may have something going on with nuclear weapons, you know, the WMD thing? They have been acting like a four year old, throwing tantrums with the UN and anyone else telling them that in today’s society, where everyone is happy, food on every table and all the people of the world are holding hands, merrily skipping through the countryside doing good deeds for everyone, that blowing the world to Kingdom come is a bad thing. Okay, that was a lie, but still, blowing up the world is not good.

While Iran and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are being chased around the UN table by nurses holding large bags of Ritalin in an attempt to turn their thoughts into something lucid, the rest of the free world has been saying they are bad people for wanting to blow everyone up. While this is going on, Congress is trying to send President Bush into a timeout for even thinking of a war with Iran, never mind that whole wanting to blow us up thing, Congress wants to send him to a time out and they will do what they want now that Democrats are in charge.

Iran is basically off the hook, President Bush is grounded, not allowed to play with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Briton was really not interested in another war. With public opinion about another war about the same as everyone wanting shove beans up their nose, Iran is just about off the hook. They can walk into the sunset, a smile on their face and play with their plutonium to their hearts content.

One would assume that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would be a happy camper, playing with his radioactive junk until he was glowing in the dark, why not, he basically got his way.

So, what does Iran do? They board a British Naval ship and take the crew and marines captive. Wow, that was really a smart thing to do. He just gave Britton a get out of jail free card, they can attack till their heart is content and no one will say anything.

Congress may even let President Bush out of his corner now, the UN will start calling them bad names, people will stop skipping through the countryside and all hell will break loose.

Their leader, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has about as much common sense as a turnip in allowing the British to be taken captive. Then again there is one other possible situation going on here, Iran is attempting to instigate a full-on confrontation on the battlefields. They may have the misguided thoughts they will prevail in the court of public opinion, either that or they truly want a nuclear war.

Even Mahmoud Ahmadinejad can not be that misguided, insane and just plain stupid, or can he?


Michael said...

Two other things have happened:
First, the US is holding several Iranians who were captured in Iraq, and,
Second, the Iranians announced a couple of days ago that they would respond to "illegal" sanctions with "illegal" acts of their own.

They've accomplished the second point, and emulated the third. If they hold the British sailors long enough, however, they'll achieve something more important to their point of view: They will get the world to stop talking about the Iranian nuke program, and to start talking about British sailors.

With the West's short attention span, that will be an Iranian victory.

The Old Ranter said...

Iran is actualy asking for a war. It blows my mind, they are very aware that Congress will not allow Bush to send troops, so they can do what they wish.

Perhaps striking at Briton was not that good of an idea, we will have to see.


Michael said...

Bush doesn't really need to send troops; with the naval buildup already done, the Persian Gulf is an American pond, and any Iranian attack there would be suicidal.

That's why they resorted to kidnapping Brits; they are trying to make the West shoot first.

Frankly, we should.

Brief history lesson:
In 1986, Iran tried to halt Iraqi and Kuwaiti oil exports, as part of the Iran-Iraq War. The US vowed to convoy the tankers, and maintain the flow of oil in international waters.
Tensions escalated, and in April, 1988, US and Iranian naval units fought a brief, decisive battle: at a cost to two helicopter pilots, the US Navy sank 2 Iranian frigates, crippled a third, destroyed 2 oil platforms, and put itself in position to control Iran's entire coastline.
Iran quit the battle, and the Iran-Iraq War ended shortly thereafter.

When challenged, the mullahs folded. Iran needs that lesson again.