Here is the latest IED-Roll-Up from CJ:
May 16 - Multi-National Division – Baghdad Soldiers observed three terrorists with two bongo trucks emplacing a roadside bomb on a highway southwest of Baghdad. Attack helicopters destroyed both bongo trucks, killing one terrorist, as another fled to a nearby home. Coalition Forces cordoned off the area and detained the man. After searching the impact area, Soldiers discovered two AK-47 rifles, a rack system, a set of night vision goggles, six 155 mm rounds, a car battery, detonation cord, a pressure plate mechanism and a long-range transmitter base. Coalition Forces are currently searching for the third terrorist. The wounded terrorist received medical treatment prior to being detained for questioning.
May 16 - Terrorists attacked Multi-National Division – Baghdad Soldiers on patrol in the Baghdad neighborhood of al Mansour in a drive-by shooting. The Soldiers from 1st Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment followed the truck to the al Abbas Mosque and observed the terrorists entering the building. Soldiers from 2nd Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division and Coalition Forces surrounded the mosque. The Qada chairman negotiated with the Imam in order to gain entry and detain the terrorists. While they were waiting, the U.S. Soldiers searching the truck used in the drive-by shooting discovered a machine gun, a sniper rifle, an anti-tank mine, rocket-propelled grenades and a launcher. Once permission was given by the Imam, Iraqi Soldiers respectfully searched the mosque and the surrounding compound. There were no explosives found in the mosque. However, IED making materials and a large weapons cache were found on the compound. Eleven military-aged males were detained for questioning.
May 17 - Iraqi Police and Coalition Soldiers killed three terrorists and wounded 10 others in two separate incidents in Mosul. Soldiers from 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team observed a group of insurgents burying an improvised explosive device on a roadway southwest of the city. The troops tracked the movements of the insurgents before engaging them with small arms fire. The terrorists jumped into waiting vehicles and fled the area. Troops from the 1st Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 2nd Iraqi Army Division and Coalition personnel searched a local hospital and identified nine men with gun shot wounds received from the engagement. Once we found them, did we torture them and saw off their heads? Nope. The men were treated by hospital doctors and detained. In another incident, three civilians were attacked by terrorists on a highway outside of Mosul shortly after noon. The terrorists were driving two separate cars and chased the civilians' vehicle and fired into it several times. Coalition troops responded to the gunfire and killed three terrorists driving in one of the cars. Iraqi police officers pursued the remaining car until it stopped. The four terrorists fled on foot. Officers wounded and captured one individual. The remaining three are cleaning their shorts and counting their blessings...while they have them.
May 19 - Iraqi police officers found and cleared a bomb that was hidden in a shrine east of Baqubah. The device was composed of an anti-tank mine with a remote control detonation device. Iraqi explosive ordnance disposal personnel dismantled the device and removed the components for later disposal. No injuries or damages were reported. May 20 - Soldiers from the 4th Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 4th Iraqi Army Division found and cleared a cache south of Bayji. The cache contained 60 23 mm high-explosive rounds and an assortment of mortar rounds and bomb-making components. The materials were destroyed on site by a controlled detonation. No injuries or damages were reported.
In all, about 69 IEDs were prevented this week from built and/or detonated against our soldiers, American contractors, and Iraq civilians. This saved the lives of approximately 550 people. This week was a very busy week with Coalition and Iraq soldiers killing and capturing terrorist cell leaders, destroying a huge base of insurgent operations, and responding to multiple insurgent attacks. We ARE still winning the war against these terrorists. We've shown them that the man they look up to (Zarqawi) can't even operate a weapon. And this man is leading them?! They're runing out of components in the meantime and have to wait for more. The problem here is that we're killing and capturing these guys on the borders before they can get to the cities.
I also wanted to update everyone no what happens to many of these guys when they're captured. The Central Criminal Court of Iraq convicted 14 security detainees May 3 through May 9 for various crimes including possessing illegal weapons and joining terrorist groups. The trial court found Ammar Fat'hi Hassan Hussein guilty of violating Article 194 of the Iraqi Penal Code for joining terrorist groups to endanger innocent people's lives and to unsettle the stability and security of Iraq. He was sentenced to life imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended him for being a cell leader in Abu Talha's Mosul Terror Cell. Three persons who had been tried and convicted of crimes related to their membership in the MTC testified at the trial against the defendant, Hussein.
The trial court found Ra'ad Dawood Salman Al Zobai guilty of violating Coalition Provisional Authority Order No. 3 for the possession of illegal weapons and sentenced him to 15 years imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended him after discovering a weapons cache in his home where they found 1,500 rounds of 7.62 mm ammunition, 50 AK-47 magazines, a large quantity of soap, soldering irons, an electronic multimeter test set and Iraqi police uniforms and documents. Coalition Forces searched the yard surrounding Zobai's house and discovered timers, batteries, blasting caps, thirty feet of detonation cord, five grenades, five pounds of C-4 explosive, bags of gunpowder, small arms ammunition, one artillery round, one RPK machine gun and three rocket-propelled grenade launchers.
The trial court found Subhi Esmail Trad, Ahmad Eubayid Sumair, Khudir Abd Al Hamid Alwan, Auda Kalbush Mutuk, Saladin Subhi Jubayir, Hussin Silabi Authman, Rid Yusif Yakuh, Hussein Karim Muhammad, Sahir Hamadallah Adab, Abid Ibrahim Muhammad and Yasir Ismail Ibrihim guilty of violating Coalition Provisional Authority Order No. 3 for the possession of illegal weapons and sentenced each of them to life imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended them after raiding a remote terrorist training camp and finding two Draganov sniper rifles, 200 armor-piercing rounds, four machine guns, one RPG launcher, 11 RPG rounds, five AK-47 rifles with seven loaded magazines, two 9 mm pistols, hundreds of rounds of small arms and artillery ammunition, body armor, night vision goggles, $10,000 in U.S. currency and four wired cordless phone base stations.
The trial court found Mohammed Kamel Mussa guilty of violating Coalition Provisional Authority Order No. 3 for the possession of illegal weapons and sentenced him to six years imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended him after finding 60 sticks of plastic explosive and two anti-tank mines inside his residence and buried in his backyard. The defendant confessed in writing at the investigative hearing and at trial to the material facts. To date, the CCCI has held 1,053 trials of insurgents suspected of anti-Iraqi and anti-Coalition activities threatening the security of Iraq and targeting Multi-National Force - Iraq. The proceedings have resulted in 948 individual convictions.
So these guys are being tried and convicted for crimes against innocents. The government is beginning to function the way a democracy should function. Truly there is No End But Victory.

A Soldier's Perspective