Thursday, May 25, 2006

Sometimes a news story makes me crazy.

I came across a news story this afternoon that caught my attention and has to do with the latest tape released by bin Laden that I was discussing a few days ago that made me shake my head in wonder.

It addressed the findings of an expert who is stating that bin Laden’s latest message was actually a desire to expose US intelligence sources as a sham and to discredit the Guantanamo, Gitmo” prison camp.

There is a quote credited to a London-based Saudi dissident Saad al-Faqih, who states, “Bin Laden wanted to prove the US intelligence services were impotent and that the US justice system was wicked” What a great surprise this was, we could have never reached this conclusion without his assistance. It amazes me the amount of dissidents, ex-this group, ex-that group, and experts who come prancing into the view of the media whenever something happens

Anyone with the thought capabilities of drooling monkey zoned out on cocaine leaves would have reached this conclusion. It does not take a genie from a lamp to tell us the answers. We all know that bin Laden has no interest in defending Moussaoui and even less in defending the innocence of any person housed at Gitmo, he could care less. In fact, the truth be told, I could care less as well. My thoughts are, this piece of slime sat in an American court of law, under oath stating what he did, how he did it and what else he was supposed to do, a jury found him guilty, end of story. My regret is he received imprisonment and not the chair or a needle in his arm.
The Ranter

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