Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Murtha Redux...

Someone needs to duct tape Murtha’s mouth shut, then tape a sign to his chest stating, “I was once part of the few, the proud, the Marines, now I use them as a stepping stone for personal gain.” This man is a disgrace to the uniform he once wore proudly. His actions and words have proved to the world that his attitude towards the Marines is that of a turncoat and nothing more.

He has aligned himself with the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Sen. John W. Warner, in an obvious attempt to cast dispersions upon the Corps as well as the judicial arm now investigating the allegations of a shooting incident. Murtha, always on the lookout for media “face time,” is now accusing the officers investigating the incident of complacency and cover up.

A Los Angeles Times, (click on link for the full article) ran a story stating his latest comments and ravings against the Marine Corps, where he and Sen. John W. Warner are making accusations in a blatant attempt at headline grabbing.

But both said the delay in launching a formal investigation into the incident in the western Iraqi town of Haditha led them to suspect that officers up the chain of command were complicit in attempting to keep the incident under wraps.

"It goes right up the chain of command," said Murtha, who has emerged as one of the most vocal critics of the Iraq war. "Who said: Until March, there was no serious investigation. There was an investigation right afterward, but then it was stifled."

Murtha is using any negative issue of the Marine Corps he can dredge up as his personal golden ticket of admission to his favorite show, the Democratic nomination for President; hanging onto that ticket until no longer serving his media needs.

I am not stating an incident did not occur, that is not the purpose of this, however, I am stating he is a disgrace to the uniform he once wore proudly and a disgrace to the constituents he represents. As some of their sons and daughters just may be in this branch of military constantly withstanding the worst of his barrage of insults and complaints.

Worst of all, he has disgraced the memory of those Marines who have paid the ultimate price for the freedom of speech he now uses to destroy them, all the way from the Halls of Montezuma, the Shores of Tripoli to Baghdad and Afghanistan.

There are many more stories of the Marine Corps than this, those of sacrifice, bravery, heroism, valor, those of humanity in helping others, but to Murtha, they do not exist. They are not sensational enough, not news worthy enough to get that golden ticket punched for admission. This man is an embarrassment, a self-serving typical politician, nothing more.
The Ranter

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The man is a disgrace but so many of the "elected" are turning out to be. But Murtha is above and beyond!