Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day...

I wanted to take a brief moment and extend my warmest wishes of Happy Mother’s Day to the all the Moms out there who stop by visiting my blog as well as making a few comments from time to time. I also wish you to know that I love hearing from you and value your thoughts and opinions on my ramblings and ranting.

As a vet, I recall the difficulty in the 1960’s my Mother had on holidays knowing that I would not be stopping by with a card and plant in hand for her. There were many occasions that I was unable to call to wish her greetings and love as the telephone industry was very different back then, with telephone calls averaging $12 to $15 per minute that made it even harder. My Father always accepted the charges on my collect. Calls from somewhere in the world I might be at the time and at times the lines were so bad that hundreds of cross-talk voices could be heard softly in the background. My parents have both passed on since then, but many warm memories remain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Warm memories.....May your mother's love shine down on you it does every day.

How proud of you she must be. She is not locked into time...but lives deep in your heart.

Her love shines thru you as you support my son and others. Thank you in your dedication to this mission.

Ranter, you are an American of noble sacrifice.

Kudos to yer mother. She raised you right.