Saturday, May 13, 2006

Know your Rights

The newspapers yesterday were packed with articles of the latest attacks upon the rights of American citizens and I am very glad the government is being called to explain its actions. Our government is comprised of three branches, legislative, judicial and executive and they were put in place to provide checks and balances against one another in situations such as this.

Our government was established in that manner by the founding fathers and so far, it has stood the test of time. The manner in which present events have played out turn heads to another form of government, the politburo and that will never rule its ugly head here, because our system works and now we have to allow it to do its job.

At the same time, we the people need to be vocal in our support of our rights to our elected officials. We need to remind them that we will not stand quietly while our rights slowly disappear as they have been doing. Every American citizen should be aware of their rights, know them as they were set forth and ratified, go to “Know your rights!” and read them, study them and be aware of what you have. Our rights are precious commodities given to us by the founding fathers and should never be taken lightly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a great link. I just added it to my resources on my blog.
Our rights are definitely worth keeping an eye on, for without them, we wouldn't be the grand country we are.