Friday, June 02, 2006

Charter School over the edge

Watching the news last night I sat mouth-hanging open and head shaking as radio reporter Sandy Wells of KABC in Los Angeles described an attack, which took place after an attempted interview of Marcos Aguilar the principal and founder of a local charter school, Academia Semillas del Pueblo Charter School.

The following background information was extrapolated from multiple news sources, (I am unable to point to only one link) that are reporting this morning that Marcos Aguilar, the schools principal, has stated in recent interviews that he believes in racial segregation and sees his school as part of a larger cultural "struggle.

The school, Academia Semillas del Pueblo Charter School, was chartered by the district in 2001 and backed by MEChA, a radical student group with the stated goal of returning the American Southwest to Mexico. The brave souls of The Alamo, the great Texan, Sam Houston and those that fought for independence in the great state of Texas would not be happy with that news.

The reporter, Sandy Wells, equipped with his press credentials and radio station microphone was repeatedly turned away from any interview he requested at the school, front desk, outside, anywhere. He then asked the four or five black-garbed guards stationed outside for permission to interview parents bringing their children to the school, and was denied.

What occurred next is unbelievable, unreal and that it happened at all just blows me away. I want to point that Wells was live, on the The O'Reilly Factor as he discussed the events, he appeared shaken up, to say the least.

Wells states, a Dodge Magnum actually pulled up onto the sidewalk, causing the reporter to get out of the way for his own safety. Then a large Hispanic man, shaved head, about 25, jumped out of the vehicle and chased Wells down the street, tackling him and demanding the tape, which Wells promptly turned over. Wells stated that the tape did not contain any interviews. While all this is going on, the guards Wells had talked with just stood there, nice guys.

It only gets worse as Wells drives away from the school and notices at once that he is being tailed by a black SUV. He calls a radio show and put on the air as he quickly describes his dire situation, the SUV pulls away.

Los Angeles Unified School District officials say they are conducting an investigation of the "performance" and "culture" of the Academia Semillas del Pueblo Charter School. This needs more than that; it needs an investigation by the Los Angeles Police Department.

The very fact that this occurred is a slap on the face of every charter school in the United States and needs to be dealt with.
The Ranter


Anonymous said...

If a story can be interesting when only one side is told, imagine how interesting when you hear both sides?!
"A man was spotted taking snap shots of children while they played on a school playground. Who is this man, not a parent, not a teacher...could this man be a sexual predator???Perhaps intent on posting pictures on the internet?" Im sorry, but if I witnessed a man taking pictures of children without the parent's consent, I would most certainly object! School officials, did exactly that...and that is the situation that has prompted such inaccurate discriptions of a local elementary school. What a shame.

The Old Ranter said...

I agree, I wold get involved with an incident as you describe, but that is not what occured in the accounts. We can sit and await investigation findings, but truth be told, the scool overacted. If they did to protect children remains to be seen. If you have info or a link, post it and I would be pleased to write more.