Monday, June 05, 2006

We need to always remember..

D-Day, June 06, 1944, the Allied Invasion of Normandy and the initial push to rid France of occupying German troops was lead by an airborne drop behind enemy lines involving the fabled 82nd and 101st Airborne units.

Sixty-two years ago the patriarchs and leaders of our generation fell from the sky, exited landing crafts, glided into and assaulted in any manner imaginable the beaches of Normandy, France, an entire generation of children never to be born onto a society drained by the death and devastation of a world war.

The depth of just what these men gave to the world was not to be truly imagined for years to come, of course, the fact of what they did was known, but the individual stories would not be told until recently in many books, documentaries and movies. The debt owed to those who served, assaulting the beaches that day can never be repaid and the memory and deeds of what was done in the name of freedom should be part of every child’s education, so that none ever forgets.

The Ranter

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thankyou Ranter, yer words are eloquent, succinct, and so true.
We need to remember.