Sunday, June 18, 2006

Korea wants to join the apocalypse club

Korea is presently under political pressure from American and Japan over its decision to test fire their new nuclear weapon that just happens to have the capability of reaching our shores. They are saying that the capabilities of the weapons reach are simply a coincidence and they are going to go as planned with their nuclear weapons program.

A recent news article from CBS news, titled, N. Korea Warned over Missile Test addresses the issue and contains an opening paragraph that makes you stop and think, “The United States expects North Korea to maintain a freeze on missile tests, and a test-fire would draw an appropriate response, President Bush's spokesman said Sunday.” The article further quoted a Bush spokesmen, Tony Snow as saying, “If they go ahead with a test, then we will have to respond properly and appropriately at the time," Snow told CNN's "Late Edition." Asked if he could explain what that meant, Snow replied, "No."

I recently watched a documentary on either the History or Discovery channel that discussed the Korean crisis, which took place during the Clinton administration, and a previous assistant of President Clinton outlined the limited nuclear response, which was going to transpire should Korea continue their present nuclear production course. Fortunately, for America as well as the rest of the world, Korea backed down at the last possible moment, avoiding the possibility of a nuclear war of previous unforeseen proportions.

I have mixed feeling on this, but I do support the stance that both our country and Japan has taken on Koreas latest attempt to join the fraternity of weapons of mass destruction. Personally, I feel this fraternity already has sufficient members, especially now that Russia has broken up into multiple countries with numerous fingers sitting on the nuclear button instead of one person who hates America we have dozens.

My fear, as well as the majority of most peoples, is that any response will only escalate a situation into not only another war, but also a war consisting solely of nuclear weapons flying back and forth in the atmosphere carrying death and destruction of apoplectic scale we can only imagine.

We must take the stand that America, Briton and Japan have taken for history has proven that Korea fails to understand anything that is not violent. Their total lack of concern for humanity has been well documented many times over and if the world simply watches while they test fire missiles capable of nuclear destruction would only cause them to think they can do as they wish.

The Ranter

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Yep" !!!!