Saturday, June 24, 2006

It is our Right

Papa Ray recently submitted a comment to my posts titled, What’s Next in which he discusses owning firearms to protect his property. I applaud his determination to insure the safety and well-being of his loved ones, his property and home; he is exercising his rights as an American set forth by the Founding Fathers as contained within the second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

I am going to post the Second Amendment to the Constitution for two reasons, one is in the rare event someone has been living in a cave and has yet to read the words the Founding Fathers’ wrote and the second, the wording is beautiful and I love to see it.

Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

The majority of States have enacted legislation, which offers concealed weapons permits to responsible and prudent citizens who have taken a State certified concealed weapons course. This permit gives that citizen the right to carry a weapon concealed upon his or her person. Speaking from the point of an ex-police officer, this law really had no different affect on our attitude towards citizens, in fact in my opinion it was a great deterrent to crime, as criminals did not know who was armed and who was not.

Personally, I am strong supporter of the second Amendment as well as all of the constitutional rights assured to every American citizen. The second Amendment in particular is the one normally under fire by the media and private groups, the courts on the other hand tend to treat it as hot potatoes with each not wanting to rock the boat in either direction.

The wording has often been debated as well, some see it one way, others another, but the fact remains it is a personal freedom and it is law.

The Ranter

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