Thursday, June 22, 2006

It is far from over.

Finally, the democrats longing to grasp the rungs of surrender and pull out of Iraq leaving the fledging democracy absolutely no chance for survival have been told to shut up , go home and go to bed.

I loved the statement from Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee, when he said, "Withdrawal is not an option. Surrender is not a solution," He also stated that the Democrats were defeatists wanting only to abandon Iraq before the mission was complete. Of course the Democrats got their two cents in when Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada, in turn, portrayed Republican leaders as blindly following President Bush's "failed" stay-the-course strategy. "

The Democrats have held steadfast to the one thing in warfare they know best, surrender at any cost. This debate has been going on in bitter partisan debates and all out arguments for two weeks, with both sides jockeying their steeds to the home stretch towards midterm election year.

Although the Republican controlled Senate rejected the Democratic calls for withdrawal of all U.S. Troops by the end of the year, do not think for one moment that this political battle is over, for that would be far from the truth. Iraq is too much of a political football and in typical paper-tiger fashion America tends to turn sharply against any war that extends past a few months.

The people and governing bodies have long held to the concept that once we incur casualties and losses it is time to bring the troops home, when in fact during wartime casualties do occur, it is sad, but they do. We will never truly win a war as long as we hold to the doctrine of bringing them home before the job is done.

We also have a tendency to leave new governments to fend for themselves and the moment our troops are leaving the city the enemy is moving in to stronger governing positions, or to take control of the population. When will America learn that to win we must fight a war at all costs, not just to make a few people in Washington feel good, but to achieve our goals and to do that we must stay the course.

The Ranter

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