Once again with feeling
I wrote this particular piece awhile back and thought it might be a nice idea to put it up one more time.There was a time when this country was in its youth struggling for its independence, yearning to be free. Men, willing to die for their freedom counted upon by a fledging democracy, still testing the waters of its beginning “We the people”.
People stood together and with one voice said enough is enough, we will be free at all costs and they succeeded. Backwoodsmen, citizen soldiers, businessmen, schoolteachers, politicians all stood together as one taking on an army that had never lost a war and was determined to make their colonies listen to their king.
A country grew from the ravages of war as a phoenix rising from the ashes, dedicated to the principals of democracy and freedom, where all men are free to do as they choose, say what they will, safe in the knowledge their country would defend these freedoms at all costs.
Wars would come and pass, as all wars tend to do, with each one a united country standing together as one voice would meet it head on and the principals of the founding father’s would stand the test of time.
This country is presently engaged in a new type of war, a war on not a standing army, but against those wanting to take down the liberties that we hold so dear. They do not meet us head on in battlefields, but hiding behind innocent civilians, women and children, using them as shields knowing our soldiers will not return fire.
Survival dictates differently, for to live through the engagement our soldiers must return fire, in doing so innocents perish, it is sad, but our men and women did not put them in that situation, on the contrary, it was their own countrymen’s cowardly use of human shields that put their lives in jeopardy.
This does not make our soldier’s a murderer, it does not make them liable for their actions, they overcame, adapted, but first and foremost they survived, not just to fight another day, but to return to their families alive.
Our country needs to remember the principals upon which it was built, remember who we really are, remember that to succeed we must be one voice, a voice of reason, understanding, compassion. We must listen to the voices of our founding father’s that still echo from the halls in which they stood. We are one people, one voice standing together as one to overcome a foe, to achieve our goals, to win at all costs and beyond that, for our soldiers to survive coming home to the families they left behind.
We need to remember these words, imbed them within our minds:
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
Just cause some are Americans, dont mean they support America !!
A large minority in this country dont want what the Founding Fathers set forth.. They want Stalanism and Marxism, and the only way they can achieve that is for America to be defeated..
The dont understand that the prevailing winner, if America is defeated, will not be as tolerant of them as the U.S. has been..
Our enemy today is also an enemy of the Communist Countries too.. The commie countries only supply our enemy for the buck$..
It is such as sickenin feelin to realize that some of this county's worst enemies are some of its own citizens.. They refuse to fight for our freedon, and often stand in the way of those that do or want to..
They trash, gutter-talk, and bemoan the very Spirit and Patriotism that freed and built this Country.. Many, all the while, are livin on the taxpayers dollar thru its liberal social programs and institutions.. Many are not even U.S. citizens, yet are allowed the same priviledges as you and I are.. They are allowed the same opportunity to voice their opinions, get drivers permits, and some even to VOTE, yet have no legal claim to that right..
Many are givin a pass to the head of the line in hiring for jobs just because of their race or color or creed, ahead of actual U.S. citizens..
If we lived in a peaceful world this wouldnt be such a harsh pill to swallow, but we are livin in a World At War, and it is time for them to STFU and let the Rough Men take care of business.. Its time to insure this Country's survival first, then bicker over the small shit.. But it aint gonna happen.. The nitwits are gonna stand on the front lawn and fight over who left the stove on, while the damn house burns down !!
We're surrounded by MORONS .. I thank its Micheal Savage that always says "liberalism is a mental disorder".. Sounds to me like that shoe fits em pretty damn good..
Here is somethin I saved from The Patriot Files, a site in my blogroll..
Waiting Angrily for the War to End
Posted by: The Patriot
One reason people born after World War II find it difficult to understand why the final days of the war were so destructive is that they do not realize how angry we Allied soldiers had become - and to some extent still are. Once our forces crossed the Rhine, it was clear that Germany was doomed. But Hitler, in his madness, vowed to fight on. Generals and admirals, whatever they thought, supported him. Soldiers and sailors continued to fight in the misguided belief that they were defending their fatherland.
Anger became outrage and horror as our forces began to overrun concentration camps. As General Eisenhower emerged from one of them he asked an American guard if he still had difficulty hating Germans.
Shortly before the 4th Infantry Division crossed the Rhine on March 29 at Worms, I went from artillery liaison officer with an infantry battalion to command of the 29th Field Artillery Battalion's fire direction center. I was in no mood to see any more of my friends in the infantry die. When our troops came under fire from a town, we would shell it heavily.
We were, as always, well aware that we could be causing civilian casualties. The fact that these would be the German enemy, and not French or Belgian friends, made our task easier. The glum faces we met even in the towns we did not destroy reminded us that we were not being welcomed as liberators.
With our forces sweeping eastward across Germany toward a Russian offensive even more ruthless than ours, the 4th Division advanced on a line of attack that took us west and south of Munich. Not far from Munich, the 8th Regiment ran into determined resistance in the town of Ellwangen.
Ellwangen was an SS military training center, with a model defense. Its commander decided that his 400 troops should defend it to the last man. When the commander of the 8th Regiment suggested by telephone, that the German commander avoid a useless battle, he was rebuffed with an obscenity.
With the 8th Regiment's staff planning an attack for the following morning, I suggested we try to force the town's surrender. On the night of April 22-23, the 4th Division and supporting corps artillery fired 1,500 shells into the town. We used delayed fuses so the shells would penetrate buildings before exploding, and we followed these with white phosphorus incendiary shells. Other shells scattered leaflets about how to surrender.
For many years I wondered what went on in Ellwangen that night. In 1992, the town archivist, Immo Eberl, sent me a lengthy account.
The military commander rejected the recommendation of the town's deputy mayor that he and his men leave the town. But after our bombardment began, the German commander had second thoughts. Changing into civilian clothes, he and his men quietly disappeared.
A tragicomedy then ensued, as the civialian leaders tried to figure out how to communicate their wish to surrender. A propasal to send an emmisary in an ambulance was abandoned when it was noted that a key bridge had been destroyed. A plan to raise a white flag on the church tower was delayed; no one could find the key to the church.
We ceased the bombardment early in the morning to see what the response was. An emmissary soon appeared carrying a white flag, and our infantry took the town without an Allied casualty. The civilians had taken shelter in deep cellars. Fortunately, only a few were killed. Damage to buildings was, however, extensive.
A few days after Ellwangen, I visited a concentration camp that had just been taken, near Landsberg. It is hard for me, even today, to describe what I saw there without crying. Hundreds of bodies, I wrote to my parents soon afterward, "were laid out in neat, efficient rows. Some were burned. Some were shot. Some had been tortured and maimed. Others may have just died. All were unbelievably emaciated."
"This can never be explained or pardoned," I wrote, and "the leaders who caused and the men who performed these crimes must die."
The Missing Middle Ground
Phil Brennan
Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2005
Among the sour-grapes comments from the sore losers who can't accept the victory of President Bush is that he failed to keep his promise to bring us together.
That's garbage – sophistry at its worst. Simply put, you can't unite people whose political and moral opinions are diametrically opposed. Anyone who thinks that's possible is either prevaricating or dreaming. Apples are not oranges and no amount of coaxing will make them so.
When George Bush made that promise, he was utterly sincere in the hope that he could persuade the American people to put aside petty differences and unite for the good of the nation. But what he failed to recognize was that the differences that divided us were far from petty. In assuming the presidency he was walking headlong into a battleground where the issue is between what is right and what is wrong.
Someone once said – I think it was Abraham Lincoln; it sure sounds like him – that we must not allow ourselves to be deluded by those who would have us believe that there is some middle ground between right and wrong.
Yet the only way to unite those who uphold what they believe in their hearts is right, and those who they are convinced espouse that which is wrong, is to arrive at that elusive middle ground between the two, and it just plain does not exist.
One of the burning issues of our times is abortion. Roughly half of the American people believe that the killing of the unborn is not only wrong but also wantonly atrocious, while the other half think it's a perfectly acceptable way for a woman to solve the problem of an unwanted pregnancy.
Where's the middle ground here? How can you bring together people who regard abortion as murder and those who either deny that it is murder, or worse, insist that it doesn't matter if it is? A woman's right to choose to kill her unborn child simply trumps the right to life of an unborn human being. Period.
How can you bring together the two sides of this issue, which is, no matter how you put it, a matter of life and death? Did George Bush fail here? Well, if he couldn't do what is clearly an impossibility, you could say he failed. But you'd have to be Michael Moore or some other disingenuous fool to buy that nonsense.
There are genuine issues that divide this nation, and in almost all cases they involve matters of Judeo-Christian morality vs. the secular doctrine of anything goes. Most Americans, for example, adhere to the ancient doctrine that marriage is a union between a man and a woman. But the media and a large number of moral misfits insist that marriage should also be recognized as a union between a man and a man or a woman and a woman – an absurdity on its face.
This has been called a culture war, but it is far from that – it is a war where what is at stake is the nation's soul. We are either a Godly people adhering to a moral code as spelled out in the Ten Commandments, or a godless people wedded to the idiot notions that if it feels good, do it, and if it works, try it.
There is no middle ground here. There is right and there is wrong, and never the twain shall meet.
Writing in the current Weekly Standard, P.J. O'Rourke played ghostwriter for President Bush's inaugural address and he hit the issue head on.
"My Fellow Americans," he had the president saying, "I had intended to reach out to all of you and bring a divided nation together. But I changed my mind. America isn't divided by political ethos or ethnic origin. America isn't divided by region or religion. America is divided by jerks. Who wants to bring a bunch of jerks together with the rest of us? Let them stew in Berkeley, Boston, and Ann Arbor.
"The media say that I won the election on the strength of moral values. If the other fellow had become president, would the media have said that he won the election on the strength of immoral values? For once the media would have been right.
"We are all sinners. But jerks revel in their sins. You can tell by their reaction to the Ten Commandments. Post those Ten Commandments in a courthouse or a statehouse, in a public school or a public park, and the jerks go crazy. Why is that? Christians believe in the Ten Commandments. So do Muslims. Jews, too, obviously. Show the Ten Commandments to Hindus, Buddhists, Confucians, or to people with just good will and common sense and nobody says, 'Whoa! That's all wrong!'"
O'Rourke has it right. On one side are the great mass of the American people whose heads are screwed on right. On the other are the jerks, the self-appointed elitists who think the majority of their fellow Americans are an illiterate bunch of yahoos who live in flyover country, probably in trailer parks or shacks with hound dogs living under the front porch, and whose opinions are not worth listening to.
The jerks are the intellectually superior class who think they can bring a president down by using forged documents on a TV news show and get away with it. The jerks are the politicians who lie to senior citizens that the president's attempts to solve the looming Social Security problem are really meant to cut benefits of those retirees now getting them.
The jerks are the people who would like to see the greeting "Merry Christmas" outlawed and that sacred holy day driven into obscurity. The jerks are the people who want to convince us that the universe and those within it created themselves.
Does anybody really want to be united with the jerkery?
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