Friday, August 04, 2006

Things happen

I have often stated that it infuriates me when I see news items relating to our media’s beautiful people intermingled between the days headlines, but I have been following the fall from grace of Mel Gibson, even commenting once and I wanted to write a little of what is on my mind.

I have a neighbor who I often run into at the store and yesterday we were in line together, he glanced at one of the ten thousand magazines screaming Mel Gibson was always a true closet anti-Semite and his latest drunken arrest only proves it turned to me and said, “What the hell is wrong with that man, he hates Jews and now he can’t keep his mouth shut.” I did not say anything; I was busy checking out my Coco puffs, first things first. However, after retuning home I began thinking about his comments.

Let’s put this into the proper perspective, by now the entire world, or that part which reads, is well aware that Mel Gibson is an alcoholic, or was a recovering alcoholic until he happened to have a few then pick up a bottle of Tequila for on the way home and happened to fly by an LA County Deputy at 87 MPH, then was stopped and subsequently made a complete and total ass of himself because he was basically falling down drunk and blew a .12 to prove it.

Of course we need to put this little tidbit into perspective as well, the Deputy transports Mel for processing, the word spreads through the department faster than William Wallace beat the British and all the Deputies congregate to see Mad Max stagger in. Do not think for one moment this is not one of the underlying reasons the tape made of Mel being processed is not being released. The Sheriff has no plans to allow his Deputies to appears as star struck teenagers should that video begin making the rounds and downloaded ten thousand times a moment on the net.

Folks, the man was falling down drunk and he had no idea what was coming out of his mouth, no matter if it was anti-Jewish, anti-peter Pan or anti-Easter Bunny. I know I have been that way once or twice in my life, even awoke to find myself someplace I have no idea how I got there, it happens. That does not mean the man is anything other than the fact he was drunk and the television and print media is blowing this so far out of proportion that it is sickening.

Okay, I feel better now. Thank you, now back to our normal programming.

The Ranter


Wild Bill said...

Just take what Mel said and replace the word "Jew" with the word "Republican" or "Bush" and then you have what we hear every day from the Libs.. So, whats the bid deal ??
What ever happened to FREE SPEECH in the U.S. ??
If Mel had said "Blacks are responsible for all the crime", then he would have probably been charged with a HATE CRIME ta boot !!
Today I wrote about how the Mooselimbs get their "PRIDE" hurt and thank they have justification to rape, pilage, and plunder the World !! When are the worlds NITWITS gonna grow up and try to look like adults instead of a pre-schooler on the playground that just got called a SISSY ??
Some folks just dont have the common sense to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time anymore !!
You ever notice how screwed-up the lives of these folks that are raisin so much sand about what SOMEBODY ELSE DID, are ??

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for Mel. He is an alcoholic and he hasn't beaten it yet. Talk about torture. I totally agree that things come out of one's mouth that are not one's own---been in the bar biz for 23 years, the stories I could tell.

And IF you are gonna over-amp on some form of liquor please dear God let it not be tequila (too mucho that will make the red dragons come right out of the walls) It is right down hallucinogenic, I'm serious.

I am always amazed at how judgmental ppl are, poor Mel has sullied (I love that word) his reputation and will have to live with it the rest of his life.....forever. It's the non-control and weakness part I find abhorrent---with the help of God and a few close friends I think ya can lick that.

I hope he can. I think he's still got a coupla great movies in em.

He could really do a great job as the main character in James Frey's "A Million little Pieces"

I'm flat out serious, even tho Oprah had him on her show to totally humiliate him--I loved the book.