Saturday, October 21, 2006

CNN Contact Information

The Ranter
The Views of The Ranter

Here is the contact information for CNN to voice your complaints over the video footage of our service members being targeted and murdered. I have already sent emails regarding this subject and will be telephoning their business office as soon as I have published this for anyone who is interested in doing the same.

We are Americans and we have the right to voice our concerns and complaints, stand up for this right and the belief that what they are airing is wrong.

I located this information from a very informative site containing all of the media contacts titled,
FAIR’s Media Contact List.

One CNN Center, Box 105366, Atlanta, GA 30303-5366
Phone: 404-827-1500
Fax: 404-827-1906
Email forms for all CNN news programs

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have followed CNN since the beginning of the Japan disaster. You have done a great job until this morning. Right now at 10:50 am Sat you have a blonde female News Person who is not doing us a good service. She is attacking everyone she interviews as if they are lagging in their duties. Her knowledge of the culture in Japan and the rolls of the various agencies and countries is embarrassing.