Saturday, October 14, 2006

North Korea at it again

The Ranter
The Views of The Ranter
The United Nations has imposed punitive sanctions against North Korea for testing nuclear weapons and Great Britton, the United States and a few other countries have placed their military into a higher state of alert and readiness in preparation for any possible retaliation by North Korea.

Why the insanity-ridden government of North Korea would proceed with their nuclear testing when the world and even China had requested them not to is beyond anyone’s comprehension. Perhaps the word insanity-ridden is far too technical to explain why a government who has been living under the umbrella of China for so many years would all at once go against their wishes. I think they are just plain old-fashioned nuts, nuttier than a fruitcake, lost their marbles, more loony than a tune!

I could sit here for the next hour making insanity statements about North Korea and still have some left for the next day, but that would accomplish about as much as their testing nuclear weapons.

Japan is about to go ballistic, their leaders are warning the citizens of a possible nuclear attack, but here is the good part, they do not want the United States to deploy our Patriot Missile batteries that would provide at least a limited line of defense against an attack from the air. One would assume that human beings would prefer protection to the aspect of total nuclear annihilation any day, even if it is from a country that once dropped a nuclear payload on their cities.

Now that they are once again a target in someone’s nuclear crosshairs, it would be at least a tad bit intelligent if they wanted protection in the event North Korea decides to extend their insanity to the destruction of Japan. We will just have to take a wait and see attitude on that one.

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