Thursday, October 26, 2006

Few thoughts on things

The Ranter
The Views of The Ranter

I wrote about my hero, General Patton yesterday, I have been giving Iraq more thought, and have not arrived at any groundbreaking discoveries. President Bush is clear that he is frustrated over the present course of action and we all can understand and emphasize with that feeling.

We have the most powerful, awesome military machine in the world. We have bombs that can just about knock on the door to see if the target is home and yet from a political standpoint we are not accomplishing anything.

Election time brings out the worst in the advertising, the Rush Limbaugh insults to Michael J. Fox on his disease stands out as a prime example of this statement. I like Rush, don’t always agree with him, as well as not always agree on the party line, but he fell from grace when insulting an actor that is so loved and stricken with a debilitating disease as Fox is. When I watched the advertisement in question I was not only saddened by Rush’s comments, but felt badly that Michael J. Fox had to sit before a camera to make those statements in his present condition because he wants a cure, nothing more.

I am not going to even get into a hollering match on stem cell research, I am sure we all have our own feelings on this just as I have mine. But let’s be honest here folks, no matter what research plays into something as devastating as Parkinson’s it should never have to cross into the arena of the political football nightmares of election time. I have a friend stricken with a neurological disease and she has become one of my personal heroes, her bravery and steadfast determination to beat her problems is an inspiration to me, she does not know that, I have never told her, but to me, she is my hero.

Bear with me a moment for one of the Ranter’s famous analogies. I had a friend who was trying to save the whales, monkeys, baby seals and just about every tree he could chain himself to the trunk. I did not support him in his endeavors; on the contrary, I ticked him off to no end. I explained to him that if all the diseases of humanity could be cured just by destroying one of the things he was fighting for, then I saw nothing wrong with that. I never spoke to him again, but did read years ago that he had been arrested for breaking into a lab to free monkey’s that turned out to be infected with a deadly disease. He could have wiped out humanity to save a sick monkey the lab people had not even infected, but were trying to cure to turn back into the wild.

When it comes to the diseases that strike at the heart and core of our bodies the research should be tireless, endless and enter any field necessary until a cure is found, pure and simple. It should never enter the political nightmare of elections or anything even remotely connected to them.

As far as our goals and plans for Iraq, who even is aware of this any longer? They have changed so many times that no one; including the President has no idea. Pulling our troops out and bringing them home is not the answer as some of the Democratic advertisements have suggested. We would leave Iraq in a war nightmare that we created with a war between the two sects that will lead to the eventual destruction of one, if not the country.

The Democrats always have the answer, pull the troops out and that makes as much sense as running away from a problem, but that is what they do, it is the easy way and the one Hollywood prefers, so that is their answer.

Our brave men and women are standing on the line and defending their lives, we are sitting here in the safety of our homes debating the issue. This is so stupid, insane and absurd, yet it is what America has always done, business as usual and the troops suffer. Damn this sickens me to no end.


Wild Bill said...

Ranter, bad as I hate to, I guess I'm gonna have to step on some toes here..

I dont know if you know it or not but I've got a 14 YO stepdaughter that has a disease that makes parkinsons look like a mild cold.. And between her, and me with one leg, and her Mama (and us) sufferin thru menapause, I figger we would be the family here most advantaged by the cures that M. J. Fox is (supposedly)toutin..

For brevaty's sake, I'll just say that I'm against it in any way shape or form..

Fox's ad in Missiouri wasnt about what was on the ballot tho.. Apples and oranges.. It was just a HIT-PIECE on Jim Talent, pure and simple.. Fox just wanted Talent to come across as a cold-hearted SOB that didnt care if peoples children died when there was a MIRACLE CURE to be found, if only the GOV. would give em the money.. The ballot issue in Mo. is about CLONING !!

I was listenin to Rush live when he said what he did, and I agreed with him then, and I still agree with him.. He has since said much more about it too..

I listened today and Rush re-played many of the thangs that have been said by the Media since it started.. Obviously you must be gettin your info from Chris Mathews and the like, cause you seem to have a whole nuther picture of it than I have gotten..

Rush said that Fox was either acting to exagerate his symtoms or that he was off his meds.. He was close too.. Fox admitted that he was "over medicated" when he made the ad.. Fox also admitted in his book that he had stopped takin his meds when he made an appearance before Congress a few years ago, so Rush DID have a reason to question Fox's appearance in the ad.. But the Media is repeatedly sayin that Rush said Fox was FAKIN and fails to mention that Fox WAS UN-medicated before, and was OVER-medicated this time !!

Was Fox's condition MANIPULATED for the ad ?? Damn Right !!

Was Rush wrong for questionin Fox's condition ?? I dont thank so, cause it is now clear that his condition was manipulated, but just not in the way Rush thought..

BTW.. Rush admitted today that he was wrong.. Wrong, in that he said Fox was un-medicated and not over-medicated.. Thank the Media will admit that they were wrong in sayin Rush said Fox was FAKIN ?? Dont hold your breath !!

Wild Bill said...

Now about Gen. Patton.. The S.O.P. in Iraq changed a few months ago with a change of Command there.. They went from a Commander that was a "kick ass and take names" kinda Leader, to a "winnin the hearts and minds" kinda Leader.. I had my doubts when I read about it back then.. Damn I hate it when I'm right !!

Since the change-of-command, the death toll has gone up, and the popularity of the Forces has gone WAY down.. Morale has suffered too.. I'm just afraid that none of these conditions cab be reversed now tho..

Before it appeared to the Iraqi's that we had a mission there and as soon as we got it done we would pack our shit and get-the-fu**-out.. With the change, it then appeared we were gonna try to be friends and move in and be neighbors and stay a while.. They dont want us there any longer than we have to.. I dont want us to be there any longer than we have to either!!

The "COP In The Hood Method" is the only one thats gonna work there now tho..

Be Forceful..
Demand Compliance..
Be Friendly ..
Then Leave Before Dark..

The Old Ranter said...

See, I knew this would create attention. Stem cell, aint even going there, did not want to and still wont. No matter if I say yes or no, I will get mail, so I will let you talk.

As far as Rush, love him, listened too and know what, he was wrong and right. So was Fox, but this is not the time to take it on. I am not a Ditto head and many things in the party line I disagree with. Rush sticks and toes the line.

So, accompished what I wanted. Created a discussion.

The Old Ranter said...

Yep, we lost our way in Iraq. I was a cop in the hood and it is needed now more than ever. To hell with the politics over there, to hell with hearts and minds. Kick butt, take names and settle the fight.

Only way were are gonna do it.